Your say

We want your opinion on the projects below so we can make the right decisions for the community. This page outlines projects that are currently open for public comment. Projects that appear are categorised as:

  • Public exhibitions - these are a result of a resolution of Council or a legislative requirement.
  • Projects open for comment - these are public consultations about a range of topics and works not classified as official public exhibitions.
  • Non statutory projects - you can view and comment on these on our community engagement portal.

Please note that projects that relate to development applications (DAs) do not appear in this section. For more information go to our DA section.

Closed exhibitions

View closed exhibition pages

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Sign up to Your Say to receive information about projects in your area. Occasionally there may be projects impacting more than one suburb and you may receive information about projects in neighbouring suburbs.

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Please contact Will Adames, Council’s Community Engagement Coordinator 9424 0757.