Grayling Street Reserve build-and-ride
After completion of a trial period and consultation with key stakeholders Council has made the difficult decision to close the Grayling Street Reserve, effective Monday 18 September.
Background information
About the site
The Reserve is a small, previously underutilised parcel of land in West Pymble, managed under the Generic Plan of Management - Parks.
Council’s involvement
Grayling Street Reserve was identified as a location of an unauthorised bike track in 2021.
Due to demonstrated use, Council investigated this site as location to trial a “Build and Ride” zone for the local riders. Council undertook a Risk Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and consultation with the surrounding residents and developed a list of site specific guidelines which addressed the potential safety, environmental and social impacts. The site specific guidelines included
- Do not dig, use the materials provided
- Do not bring any materials
- Keep jumps below 1m in height
- Tread lightly, don’t harm bushland or plants
- Keep the site clear of rubbish
- Ride smart, stay safe

Trial period
The trial commenced in May 2023.
Council provided materials for jump building, guideline signage was designed and erected and mitigation measures such as erosion controls were introduced on site.
Since the start of the trial period the site has been regularly used.
Council staff regularly monitored the site attempting to find solutions to issues as they arose, while balancing the needs of riders, local residents and the environment.
Identified issues
Issues that were highlighted during the trial included:
Traffic safety
Numerous complaints of riders using the road as a “run-up” into the park and a general lack of road safety by riders.
Council introduced barriers at the entrance of the site to prevent access from the road and staff visited the site to discuss safety with the riders. However these barriers were moved multiple times by users of the site and road safety continued to be an issue. Barriers were also pushed into the creek which then needed to be removed by Council to prevent a blockage.
Social issues
Noise and instances of bullying and aggressive behaviour, trespass onto neighbours property, including damage to personal property.
Council increased staff presence and ranger presence on site.
Rubbish and introduction of other materials i.e. tents, trollies, pallets, street signs.
Council staff visited regularly to collect rubbish and remove items to ensure the park remained tidy. Additional signage was introduced to encourage riders to take their rubbish with them.
Dumping of items in creek and building of jumps within creek line
Council has removed various items from the creek, including bikes, damaged reserve signage, coir logs (which were for erosion control), clothing and general rubbish.
Council has also had to deconstruct jumps which were made over the creek and involved riders cutting down trees. Additional signage was also placed on site to encourage riders to stay out of the creek.
Destruction of Council signs, movement of erosion and traffic control measures
These had to be removed/replaced by Council on multiple occasions.
Damage to trees
Damage to trees including hacking of trunks and cutting down of trees, including species which form part of the Critically Endangered Ecological Community Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest. Numerous trees have been damaged on site, additional signage was placed to attempt to prevent this.
Community consultation
As a result of the ongoing issues on site and the increased number of complaints, Council conducted a review of the trial in August 2023.
As this is a small local park, letters were sent to residents within a 500 metre radius. The consultation information was also signposted on site for visitors to the park.
Local schools were contacted and the Sustainable Recreation Advisory Committee was consulted.
The community consultation, concluded that the site at Grayling was inappropriate for the trial and the majority of respondents requested the closure of the trial. Based on the community consultation and the ongoing issues which were continuing on site, Council determined that the build and ride trial would be closed.
Next steps
It was noted in the consultation process that a large number of responders were in favour of the concept of a “Build and Ride” zone, but not the location. Council has noted this feedback and will investigate if another trial is viable in a different location.
The community consultation concluded Council will be using Grayling Street Reserve as a case study to determine how a future trial may be more successful. This will be presented to our Sustainable Recreation Advisory Committee for their consideration.
Give us your feedback
Council would like to continue working with the community and bike users for an alternative solution.
If you would like to contribute ideas on location, management strategies and what this should include, please submit your ideas using the form below.
Grayling feedback form
Mountain biking sites
Pease visit our mountain biking web page for more information on alternative locations in Ku-ring-gai.
Please contact Council's Community Environmental Officer on 9424 0933 or