Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre

About the Centre
The Ku-ring-gai Fitness & Aquatic Centre (KFAC) is a high-quality facility that generations of Ku-ring-gai families will enjoy.
The Centre offers year-round swimming, facilities such as café and gym, plus play areas for kids and child-minding.
The facility features:
- Outdoor 50 metre pool and outdoor learn-to-swim pool.
- Indoor 25 metre heated pool with eight lanes.
- Warm water program pool (for water-based exercise).
- Indoor and outdoor toddlers pool and water play area.
- Child-minding/play room.
- Change rooms and toilets.
- Health club with multi-purpose rooms.
- Café for pool patrons plus a takeaway service for park users.
- Increased car parking.
- Landscaping and gardens in the area surrounding the pool.
More information
YMCA manage the Centre.
Stay up to date with the latest plans, membership and details on the facility by visiting their website and Facebook page.
YMCA website
Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre on Facebook
Call the Centre on 9499 2005
For other queries contact Council on 9424 0000 or email krg@krg.nsw.gov.au