Goalposts extended installation during lockdown
Council has decided to temporarily reinstall football and rugby goalposts at some sportsfields in response to the extended lockdown and the delay in the commencement of the cricket season. This decision will be periodically reviewed.
The goalposts will be temporarily available from 10 September at the following locations:
Football (soccer) goalposts
Roseville Park, Roseville
Queen Elizabeth Reserve, West Lindfield
Primula Oval, West Lindfield
Charles Bean Playing Field, Lindfield
Edenborough Oval, Lindfield
Norman Griffiths Oval, West Pymble
Koola Park, Killara - combination posts
Kent Oval, Turramurra
St Ives Showground, St Ives
Samuel King Oval, North Turramurra
North Turramurra Recreation Area, North Turramurra
George Christie Playing Field, Wahroonga
The Glade Oval, Wahroonga
Golden Jubilee, Wahroonga
Rugby goalposts
Cliff Oval, Wahroonga - top oval
Koola Park, Killara - combination posts
Hassall Park, St Ives - junior field
For further information contact Council’s Open Space Services team on 9424 0696.