Browns Field
Soccer fields, playground and synthetic wicket.
Georegion significance
Browns Field borders two creek lines that encircle a grassed oval which lies in the flat valley floor of a small volcanic diatreme. It is one of around 150 such diatremes scattered across the Sydney Basin. The walking track near the oval follows the creek line, winding through a beautiful rainforest community to tall Eucalypt forest. Along the ridge top, some rare species of Eucalyptus can be found, characteristic of the dry Sydney sandstone and complemented further down by the moist terrain covered with Blackbutts. Find out more about the Ku-ring-gai GeoRegion.
Browns Field, Campbell Drive, Wahroonga 2076 View Map
Browns Field, Campbell Drive ,
Wahroonga 2076
Browns Field, Campbell Drive ,
Wahroonga 2076
Browns Field