Art Centre terms and conditions
Adults - Terms and Conditions(PDF, 178KB)
Kids/Teens - Terms and Conditions(PDF, 460KB)
School holiday program - Terms and Conditions(PDF, 412KB)
Terms and conditions
The Art Centre advises it is the responsibility of the person making the booking to read the Terms and Conditions. This includes all bookings made - whether online, in person, or over the phone.
Choose carefully. Our website has information about each course and our admin staff are available to advise you if you require assistance.
Your enrolment in a course is confirmation of your booking and there is no change of mind refunds for bookings.
A course must achieve a minimum number of enrolments to run. Your course will be confirmed, pending numbers, up to two working days prior to the course commencing. If your course does not run due to lack of enrolments, we will offer you a credit transfer to another course of your choice or, in this special circumstance, refund you.
All bookings are for individual students. We do not accept shared bookings. Only students enrolled may attend class.
It is a student’s responsibility to attend all classes within their course. We do not offer credits, make-up classes, or refunds where a student cannot attend for one or more classes.
In the event of a tutor being unavailable or ill, the Art Centre will provide a substitute tutor to ensure continuity of your course. In the rare event that this cannot occur, we will offer a group make-up class, generally at the end of your term.
All Art Centre classes and workshops can be subject to change.
Hardcopy and electronic programs may at times not be up to date. Please check the website or contact the Art Centre for most recent scheduling.
Cost of bookings for term courses made from Week 3 are prorated and will incur a $25 late fee.
The cost of adult courses does not include art materials. A link to a list of materials to bring to the class is displayed on each course’s bookings page on Bookable. It will also be included in your booking confirmation email. Contact the Art Centre if you require more information.
Council has the utmost regard for the safety of our students, staff and the community. Participants need to be able to manage their own transport and mobility. Tutors and staff are unable to assist (this includes phoning taxis, assisting with walking and lifting into vehicle).
Bookings - children and teens
Clothing and footwear
For safety, children should wear shoes that have enclosed toe and heel. No thongs or sandals. Your child should wear clothing that withstands paint, ink, clay and glue. We often use the outside spaces, so please send a hat for outside play or activities.
Food items
Please provide your child with water, lunch and/or snack (no nut products), where appropriate.
No nuts
To protect vulnerable children, the Art Centre practices a policy of no nuts or nut products. Please ensure foods brought to the Centre do not contain nuts or nut products.
You must inform the Art Centre office at the time of booking if the child has any allergies (including but not limited to asthma and/or anaphylaxis), medical conditions or special requirements. The Art Centre is unable to cater for students with severe medical conditions or special requirements. If you are unsure, please contact the Art Centre with any queries.
The Art Centre must be notified in advance (at the time of booking), if the child has an Epi-pen, puffer/inhaler or any form of medication. If the child has an Action Plan it must also be emailed to the Art Centre at least two days prior to attending class.
A student will not be accepted into class if their Epi-pen and/or puffer is not with them or is out of date. If an Action Plan is required and not provided to the Art Centre, the child cannot attend the class.
Two separate phone emergency contacts must be provided in case of an emergency.
No child minding available
Parents or guardians must sign the child in and out at the beginning and end of each class.
Ku-ring-gai Art Centre accepts no responsibility for children before/after classes. There are no child-minding facilities available and children attending classes must be collected promptly at the conclusion of the class.
Age restrictions
Ku-ring-gai Art Centre accepts no children under the age of five years or children who have not yet started school. We have the right to refuse enrolments that do not meet these criteria.
The child enrolled must be of the correct age for the course in which they enrolled. If a child has enrolled but is not of the correct age, Ku-ring-gai Art Centre reserves the right to cancel their enrolment (or transfer them to another course where places are available or use the cost as credit towards another course).
Behaviour and learning difficulties
Ku-ring-gai Art Centre offers mainstream art classes for children and teens. We are not equipped with specialist support staff for children with disabilities or learning difficulties.
If your child has any behaviour issues, or difficulties that may impact their experience or the experience of others in their class, please discuss your needs with the Art Centre to assess where we can or cannot help.
We encourage a supportive, friendly environment where each child feels safe and happy.
We do not tolerate persistent unruly behaviour or aggression of any sort. Children displaying this behaviour may be asked to be removed from the class.
Creative Kids vouchers
Ku-ring-gai Art Centre welcomes Creative Kids vouchers.
We accept Creative Kids Vouchers for children’s/teen’s classes valued above $50.
Any gap amount above $50 must be paid via credit card (surcharges apply).
The name on the Creative Kids Voucher must be exactly the same as the child enrolling in the class.
You cannot send through a Creative Kids voucher to use after a booking has been made.
The voucher must be uploaded during the process of making the booking on Bookable. It must be uploaded as an image (JPG or PNG format).
If a class is cancelled, the Creative Kids voucher is transferrable to another creative voucher nominated class, pending availability.
In cases of cancellations with no suitable replacement, the gap amount above $50 will be refunded to the credit card (if there was a gap amount paid) and the voucher returned. Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash.
No refunds are available for change of mind purchases.
If the voucher presented is invalid for example, it has been redeemed elsewhere, or voucher details do not match the student’s details, etc., the full cost of the course must be paid by the parent/guardian prior to the class going ahead.
Choose carefully as fees are non-refundable.
Ku-ring-gai Art Centre cannot accept responsibility for changes to students' personal circumstances that prevent attendance. This includes injury, illness, medical procedures, or travel plans.
Transfers are only permitted during the same term provided places are available. If a transfer cannot be made, the fees will be credited to the student’s Bookable account.
No transfers from the end of Week 3 onwards are permitted (for term courses).
If a Workshop is cancelled, we will endeavour to transfer the students into another workshop in the same semester where places are available. If a transfer cannot be made, the fees will be credited to the student’s (or parent's/guardian's) Bookable account.
Classes missed for personal reasons are the student’s responsibility (or parent's/guardian's responsibility if it's a children/teens class) and are non-refundable and non-creditable.
Students are not entitled to discounts or 'make-ups' in their own or other classes if they miss a class.
In the event of a tutor being unable to take a class, a replacement tutor will be organised. In the case of a tutor not being available, students (or parents/guardians if it's a kids/teens course), will be advised of a replacement class date. If a replacement class date cannot be arranged, you will receive the credit to your Bookable account equivalent to the cost of that class, or a refund, to be determined by the Art Centre.
Class cancellations
To ensure your class of choice goes ahead, please aim to book early. A class must achieve a minimum number of enrolments to run. Enrolments should be made at least one week prior to commencement of the course to avoid the course being cancelled due to low numbers.
If your course is cancelled due to low enrolments, students (or parents/guardians if it's a kids/teens class), will be advised by email (via Bookable), of the cancellation prior to course commencing.
Ku-ring-gai Art Centre does not offer refunds or transfers if a class is cancelled due to a tutor being ill or away. A fill-in tutor will be arranged and if not possible, a make-up class will be scheduled at the end of term. If a make-up class cannot be arranged, you will receive the credit to your Bookable account equivalent to the cost of that class, or a refund, to be determined by the Art Centre.
Ku-ring-gai Art Centre reserves the right to change tutors - no refunds for change of mind due to tutor replacement.
Public holidays
The Centre is closed on public holidays. Should your class fall on a public holiday, you will be advised of a replacement class date.
COVID-19 precautions
If you (or the child if it's a kids/teens class) feels unwell and/or have any symptoms of COVID-19, please do not visit the Art Centre nor attend classes.
Art materials are not to be shared amongst students.
All students, tutors and visitors must follow COVID-19 physical distancing regulations, hygiene instructions and signage provided by Council and Art Centre staff.
Each student (or parent/guardian if it's a kids/teens class) must sign an attendance form form at the START of each class (and at the END of each class for kids/teens courses).
If you have any questions, please email or phone the Ku-ring-gai Art Centre on 9424 0310.
Does your child have allergies, asthma, or requirements for persons with a disability?
To keep your child safe, we need to know if they have any allergic triggers, anaphylaxis, asthma or any other medical or behavioural requirements which may affect their participation in classes. The parent/guardian making the booking must notify Art Centre staff at the time of enrolment.
Protocol for illness infectious disease
In the case of a child feeling unwell, parents/guardians are asked to:
- Immediately pick up their sick child when contacted by Council staff.
- Take their children to the doctor for treatment and diagnosis.
- Inform Council staff as soon as possible if their child is diagnosed with any infectious disease.
- Keep sick children at home until they are well.