Facility and park hire COVID safe checklist

Community halls, meeting rooms and parks are open for bookings with NSW Government COVID-19 restrictions.

All hirers must create and maintain a safe environment and comply with the current public health orders and NSW Government health guideline and COVID-19 safety plans at nsw.gov.au.

If someone attending or recently attended the event has been diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19 virus, the event organiser must immediately notify recreationbookings@kmc.nsw.gov.au.




No person should attend this event if they have any of the following:

  • Close contact with confirmed COVID-19 case in the past 14 days.
  • Travelled to Australia from overseas or has been in close contact with someone who has arrived in Australia in the past 14 days.
  • Has COVID-19 symptoms: fever (37.5 degrees or higher), cough, sore or scratchy throat, shortness of breath, runny nose and/or loss of taste or smell.

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On arrival

  • Keep contact details of all attendees (name and mobile number or email address) for at least 28 days.
  • Manage physical distancing (1.5m between each person).
  • Manage outdoor gathering limits or venue capacity. The number is signposted on the venue entry along with QR codes for check-in.
  • Encourage people to maintain hygiene and to wash hands before and after the event.
  • If using your own equipment it must be cleaned before and after use.

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Safely serving food and drink

Minimise hygiene risks by avoiding the sharing of food and drink such as:

  • Self-serve buffet style service areas.
  • Communal snacks.
  • Communal condiments.
  • Communal cutlery, implements and serviettes.
You can provide pre-packaged single serves or have a designated server who has washed hands, wearing gloves and only person using tongs or serving utensils.

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Before departure

  • Leave the park or hall/meeting room clean after use.
  • Clean with disinfectant all frequent touch points such as tables, chairs, door handles, kitchen benches, taps, light switches and bathrooms.
  • Wear gloves when cleaning and put disinfectant wipes in bins or garbage bags.
  • Do not flush down toilets.
Council will regularly clean all facilities, stock up paper towels and soap dispensers. Please bring your own disinfectant or spray.

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Additional event information 

If alcohol of any type is intended for consumption at a function, please read and complete our notification to take and consume alcohol form(PDF, 41KB).

Read our how to run a sustainable event for smaller events with less than 100 people including birthday parties, weddings, family gatherings. It includes tips on catering/food waste, compostable serving ware, managing your power supply and recycling options.  


Download the Facility and park hire COVID safe checklist(PDF, 1MB)