Turramurra Community Hub


Project update

At the Council meeting of 16 April 2024, a report was presented on the Lindfield Village Hub. The report was subsequently deferred to the 21 May meeting.

The Council resolution at the 21 May meeting called for a review of the feasibility of all the Hub projects proposed for Lindfield, Gordon and Turramurra.

  1. That Council review the feasibility of the Turramurra, Gordon and Lindfield Hub projects as set out in this report.
  2. That the current exclusive negotiations with the Lindfield Village Hub ‘preferred proponent’ be concluded and that Council commence negotiations with other providers, as outlined in this report.

Link to the Council meeting minutes of 21 May

Since April, Council staff have:

  • Notified the LVH preferred proponent that their exclusivity status has concluded
  • Approached the remaining proponents to ascertain their interest in continuing negotiations
  • Commenced analysis of the impacts on the Transport Oriented Development SEPP on the Lindfield Village Hub and other Hub sites (Turramurra and Gordon)

Background information

At its meeting on 18 October 2022, Ku-ring-gai Council noted that it ‘does not have the financial capacity to deliver the new community facilities and public domain works in the Turramurra Community Hub (TCH) masterplan’ and voted that ‘development of the site should be undertaken in stages, with consideration of a retail and residential component occurring initially on Coles’ land’.

Therefore, Council has begun discussions to potentially sell a portion of public land adjacent to the Coles-owned land.

The Coles land in Ray Street forms part of the overall area designated by the Council for the Turramurra Community Hub. 

Financial analysis of the 2016 masterplan undertaken by Council, as well as more recent modelling undertaken by Coles (at Council’s request), conclude that up to $120m currently unbudgeted funding would be required to cover the capital cost of the community facilities and associated public domain works of the masterplan. If the required funds were sourced through on-site development, there would need to be a substantial increase to height and density controls which is contrary to Council’s adopted planning controls and other policies. Neither Council nor the community have an appetite for taller and denser buildings on the site.

In 2020 work on the Turramurra Community Hub was paused to allow time for the Council to decide on any changes to building heights and densities across Ku-ring-gai. The Council subsequently decided in 2021 not to change height and density controls.

Coles approached Council with a proposal to deliver part of the adopted masterplan and submit a commercial offer for a portion of Council owned land. If the proposal is accepted by Council, the Ray Street shopping area will be upgraded and expanded with a new full line supermarket, specialty shops and housing. This initial stage of development would effectively satisfy some of the strategic vision of the masterplan and provide the local community with much needed improved shopping opportunities. Delivery of the remainder of the masterplan vision on Council land would occur in a future stage and be subject to funding availability.

At the Council meeting, Councillors voted that development of the site should be undertaken in stages and to continue discussions on a potential sale with Coles, stating that ‘any sale of land to Coles would be based on Council being satisfied that a proposed development would enhance amenity for the local community and be sympathetic to future development of the Turramurra Community Hub site for public benefit, and that development assessment would be subject to normal processes’.

In these circumstances a rational way forward is to consider a revised pathway that delivers an alternative approach for the site.

To view the report and minutes on the Turramurra Community Hub decision go to Council meetings page.


Contact Geoff Douglas 9424 0000