Quarry Creek monitoring results

Council is monitoring Quarry Creek to check for any potential impacts arising from the construction works at Norman Griffiths Oval.

Council will monitor the site at least weekly. Around specific construction activities or weather events Council may monitor more frequently and will publish the data here.

Council’s monitoring probe is being serviced. Using a rental monitoring probe for turbidity readings. Iron Bacteria bloom continues to impact turbidity readings at some sample points but is a natural occurrence.

2025 results

Week commencing 17 March

No rainfall over the weekend. No rainfall during the days of testing. Very low flow.

Note we are currently sampling twice a week (unless there is a sediment event).

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 17/03 N/A N/A 5.49 7.68 Upstream flow too low to test. Continue to observe.
Tuesday 18/03 N/A N/A 4.5 7.64 Upstream flow too low to test. Continue to observe.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 10 March

Light rainfall during the week, Monday and Tuesday each >5mm.

Note we are currently sampling twice a week (unless there is a sediment event).

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 10/03 N/A N/A 3.42 7.34 Upstream flow too low to test.
Wednesday 12/03 7.58 8.24 7.8 7.66 Rain the previous day contributed to higher flow. Continue to observe.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 3 March

Week commencing Monday 3 March

Light rainfall during the week.

Note we are currently sampling twice a week (unless there is a sediment event).

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Wednesday 5/03 13.62 8.38 17.45 7.35 Continue to observe
Friday 7/03  4.72 7.66 4.76 7.13 Continue to observe

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 24 February

Week commencing Monday 24 February

Light rainfall on the 22nd and 25th, totalling 7.6mm across the two days.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 24/02 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Tuesday 25/02 9.49 8.54 9.45 7.22 Upstream very low flow - nearly dry
Wednesday 26/02  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Thursday 27/02 N/A N/A 11.30 7.28 Upstream too low flow - could not sample. Continue to observe
Friday 28/02 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A


Traffic lights key

Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 17 February

Week commencing Monday 17 February

Minimal rainfall during the week.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 17/02 5.48 9.19 4.6 7.54 Low flow upstream, continue to observe
Tuesday 18/02 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Wednesday 19/02 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Thursday 20/02 N/A N/A 19.61 7.52 Upstream too low flow - could not sample
Friday 21/02 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 10 February

Week commencing Monday 10 February

Medium showers over the weekend, larger rainfall episode on the 11th totalling 29.6mm.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 10/02  42.69-119.01 7.63 162.65 7.13 Heavier rainfall in the early morning and light rainfall during testing. High turbidity in upstream flow reported to the EPA.
Tuesday 11/02 15.55 7.54 13.46 7.08 Follow up testing after rainfall from the day before, turbidity clearing.
Wednesday 12/02 14.6 8.91 6.53 7.41 Sampling undertaken following report of sediment laden water in Quarry Creek - caused by a burst water main on Ryde Road near Kamilaroy Road. Sydney Water undertook follow-up maintenance and clearing of some deposited sediment.
Thursday 13/02 8.43 7.25 5.85 7.55 Continue to observe
Friday 14/02 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 3 February

Week commencing Monday 3 February

Minimal to no rainfall during the week – no rainfall data recorded.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 3/02  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Tuesday 4/02 8.31 8.46 3.81 6.97 Continue to observe
Wednesday 5/02 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Thursday 6/02 7.76 7.59 4.41 6.95 Continue to observe
Friday 7/02  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 27 January

Week commencing Monday 27 January

Light rainfall during the week.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 27/01  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample Team N/A
Tuesday 28/01 N/A N/A 4.94 7.21 Upstream very low flow - could not sample
Wednesday 29/01 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample Team N/A
Thursday 30/01 5.79 7.56 5.8 7.13 Continue to observe
Friday 31/01  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 20 January

Week commencing Monday 20 January

Heavy rainfall and storms over the weekend, light rainfall during the week.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 20/01  6.9 7.63 4.88 7.1 Continue to observe
Tuesday 21/01 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Wednesday 22/01 9am 6.34 8.23 98.23 7.1 GPT works in progress impacting water quality at outlet and first pool downstream - projects team notified for cleaning and maintenance. Turbidity at KFAC bridge recorded at 10.2.
Wednesday 22/01 1.30pm  N/A N/A 2.85 7.07 Follow up testing after morning works, outlet flows back to normal.
Thursday 23/01 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Friday 24/01  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 13 January

Week commencing Monday 13 January

Dry early in the week, 21.4mm recorded to 9am on the 16th and 28.2mm recorded on the 17th.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 13/01  5.48 8.19 11.62 7.75 Relatively dry day, dewatering noted at time of sampling at outlet.
Tuesday 14/01 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Wednesday 15/01 4.85 9.45 4.15 7.47 Upstream water warm (33.40c with a high pH).
Thursday 16/01 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Friday 17/01  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 6 January

Significant rainfall totalling 94.4mm from 6 to 11 January (including a daily reading of 63.6mm to 9am on Jan 9) recorded at Wahroonga.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 6/1 N/A N/A 4.18 7.13 Upstream very low flow - could not sample, creek low flow.
Tuesday 7/1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Wednesday 8/1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Thursday 9/1 54.73 7.51 44.75 7.22 Heavy rainfall in previous 24 hours with high turbidity from upstream. Upstream turbidity reported to Rangers team for investigation.
Friday 10/1 35.22 7.05 54.21 7.12 Heavy rainfall during the day led to water exceeding storage capacity on the Norman Griffiths construction site. Council engaged Vac Trucks to remove excess water starting Friday evening and throughout Saturday. Overflows into Quarry Creek were stopped shortly after commencing Vac Truck removal on Friday 10 January.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

2024 results

Week commencing 30 December

Continued dry conditions, no significant rainfall.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 30/12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Tuesday 31/12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Wednesday 1/1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Thursday 2/1 N/A N/A 9.81 7.77 Upstream very low flow - could not sample, creek low flow.
Friday 3/1  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 23 December

Continued dry conditions, no significant rainfall.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 23/12 N/A N/A 11.7 7.04 Upstream very low flow - could not sample, Iron Bacteria noted at outlet.
Tuesday 24/12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Wednesday 25/12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Thursday 26/12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Friday 27/12  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+


Week commencing 16 December

10.2mm rainfall recorded from 17th – 19th December, with no significant falls during the week.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 16/12  N/A N/A 8.15 7.19 Upstream very low flow - could not sample.
Tuesday 17/12 N/A N/A 11.3 6.91 Upstream dry - could not sample.
Wednesday 18/12 14.62 7.74 15.8 7.16 Continue to observe.
Thursday 19/12 N/A N/A 3.19 6.97 Upstream very low flow - could not sample.
Friday 20/12  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 9 December

High rainfall over the weekend from Friday 6 - Monday 9 December, with no falls during the week.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 9/12  9.89 8.47 3.28 7.21 Continue to observe.
Tuesday 10/12 9.89 8.95 4.53 7.11 Continue to observe.
Wednesday 11/12 N/A N/A 1.7 7.3 Upstream very low flow - could not sample.
Thursday 13/12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Friday 14/12  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 2 December

Over 20mm of rainfall recorded over weekend between 29 November and 2 December, with falls easing towards the end of the week.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 2/12  3.92 9.16 4.08 7.33 High upstream pH, continue to observe.
Tuesday 3/12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Wednesday 4/12 N/A N/A 3.92 7.15 Upstream very low flow - could not sample, some iron bacteria at outlet.
Thursday 5/12 N/A N/A 1.86 7.07 Upstream very low flow, could not sample, iron bacteria present.
Friday 6/12  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 25 November

No rainfall and water levels low. A burst watermain on 27/11/2024 caused temporary high turbidity readings in Quarry Creek.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 25/11  2.27 6.22 2.52 6.81 Low lows - continue to observe.
Tuesday 26/11 N/A N/A 15.14 7.02 Upstream dry - could not sample.
Wednesday 27/11 morning N/A N/A 8.54 7.07 Upstream dry - could not sample.
Wednesday 27/11 Midday re-test N/A  N/A 46.08 7.5 Upstream dry - could not sample. A burst watermain on Lofberg Road resulted in high turbidity in Quarry Creek shortly after initial sampling. Outlet site was tested again at 2pm with Turbidity reading of 83 NTU at the outlet and 138 NTU in the first pool downstream from the outlet.
Thursday 28/11 N/A N/A 6.32 7.12 Upstream dry - could not sample flows clear following burst watermain incident.
Friday 29/11  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 18 November

Rainfall earlier in the week with 26mm recorded up to 9am on the 18th and 6mm up to 9am on the 19th.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 18/11  19.54 7.76 26.17 7.06 Heavy rain overnight. Water level higher but not high. Water a blackish colour in Quarry Creek. High leaf litter and rubbish in outlet cage. Continue to observe.
Tuesday 19/11 N/A N/A 12.8 7.16 Upstream dry - could not sample.
Wednesday 20/11 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample Team N/A
Thursday 21/11 N/A N/A 5.14 6.94 Upstream dry - could not sample.
Friday 22/11  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 11 November

Light rainfall later in the week and continued low flows.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 11/11  N/A N/A 7.02 2.36 Upstream dry, outlet water level low.
Tuesday 12/11 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Wednesday 13/11 N/A N/A 2.26 6.93 Upstream dry, outlet water level low.
Thursday 14/11 N/A N/A 18.2 7.01 Upstream dry, outlet water level low, some iron bacteria and evidence of sediment. Continue to observe.
Friday 15/11  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 4 November

Low rainfall over weekend and continued low flows. Sediment pollution incident originating upstream of Lofberg Road was noted and reported for investigation.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 4/11 N/A N/A 4.69 7.04 Upstream dry, some rain over previous days. Some light drizzle during testing. Water clear and levels low. Small amount of iron bacteria at outlet.
Tuesday 5/11 N/A N/A 8.73 7.02 Upstream water too low to sample, however presence of sediment noted in upstream channel. Iron bacteria and tadpoles noted at outlet, with sediment noted and higher turbidity noted at KFAC bridge (12.23NTU). A report of upstream sediment pollution was referred for investigation.
Wednesday 6/11 N/A N/A 0.68 6.87 Upstream dry, outlet clear, minimal iron bacteria.
Thursday 7/11  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A
Friday 8/11  N/A N/A 5.83 7.03 Upstream water too low to sample.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 28 October

Continued low flows, with light rainfall later in the week (6.2mm recorded at Wahroonga 9am 1 Nov).

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 28/10  N/A N/A 6.3 7.4 Upstream dry, lots of iron bacteria noted around outlet.
Tuesday 29/10 N/A N/A 0.62 7.7 Upstream dry, iron bacteria noted around outlet, new multi parameter water quality probe now in use.
Wednesday 30/10 N/A N/A 1.03 6.91 Upstream dry, lots of iron bacteria noted around outlet.
Thursday 31/10  N/A N/A 1.13 7.10 Upstream dry, iron bacteria noted around outlet.
Friday 1/11  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 21 October

Week commencing Monday 21 October

Continued low flows, despite some light rainfall over weekend (5.4mm total) and Friday morning reading (3mm) (Wahroonga gauge).

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 21/10   N/A N/A 7.9 N/A Upstream dry, pH probes not operational.
Tuesday 22/10 N/A N/A 8.9 7.2 Upstream dry, pH probe fixed.
Wednesday 23/10 N/A N/A 6.4 7.1 Upstream dry, iron bacteria noted at outlet.
Thursday 24/10  N/A N/A 7 7.3 Upstream dry, iron bacteria noted at outlet.
Friday 25/10  N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample Team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 14 October

Week commencing Monday 14 October

Continued low flows, with some rainfall from Monday – Tuesday. 12.2mm recorded at 9am on 15th, 1.8mm at 9am on 16th (Wahroonga gauge).

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 14/10   N/A N/A  6.5 N/A Upstream too dry to sample, pH probes not operational, iron bacteria noted at outlet.
Tuesday 15/10 12.3 N/A 17.2 N/A

pH probes not operational, water noted to be dark colour (urban runoff).

Wednesday 16/10 N/A N/A 9.2 N/A Upstream flows too low to sample, pH probes not operational.
Thursday 17/10  N/A N/A 8.9 N/A Upstream flows too low to sample, pH probes not operational.
Friday 18/10  N/A N/A N/A N/A  Sample Team N/A.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 7 October

Week commencing Monday 7 October

Low rainfall over weekend and continued low flows. pH probes not currently working.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 7/10  N/A  N/A Public holiday. 
Tuesday 8/10 4.5 7.1 23.8 7.3

Light rain in morning, dry during testing, low flows noted at upstream site. Iron Bacteria noted at outlet and various points along the creek. Noting the moderate turbidity of 23.8NTU for the outlet sample, levels at the KFAC bridge were much lower at 4NTU.

Wednesday 9/10 N/A N/A 7.5 N/A

No water upstream, could not test. pH probes not working.

Thursday 10/10  N/A N/A 5.6 N/A

No water upstream, could not test. pH probes not working.

Friday 11/10 N/A

Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 30 September

Rain late in the previous week and over the weekend resulted in a combined total of 62.4mm recorded at Wahroonga from Thursday 26 September to Monday 30 September. Light rain continued between 1st to the 3rd October. Water noted as generally clearer with lower turbidity.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 30/9 3.3 7.1 7.9 7.4

Note dewatering at the time, water clear with low turbidity.

Tuesday 1/10 2.9 8.1 5.7 7.1

Initial Downstream test taken at 9.21am, prior to dewatering commencing. Following start of dewatering, the sample team observed higher turbidity and at around 10.27am turbidity levels were recorded between 84.5-104.5NTU. Council’s projects Management team was contacted and dewatering was stopped approximately 10.30am with a review of the dewatering procedures undertaken to identify the cause of the increased turbidity in the outflow. Council staff reported this incident on non-compliant dewatering to the EPA.

Wednesday 2/10 5.9 7.8 8.8 7.2

Noted that First pool turbidity back down to 11.1 following the incident on the previous day.

Thursday 3/10  4.6 8.3 19.5 7.1

Low flows noted at upstream site.

Friday 4/10 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+


Week commencing 23 September

Continued low flows until significant rainfall later in the week.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 23/9 N/A N/A 6.7 7.1

No water upstream, could not test.

Tuesday 24/9 N/A N/A 6.3 7.2

No water upstream, could not test.

Wednesday 25/9 N/A N/A 4.6 7.1

No water upstream, could not test.

Thursday 26/9 N/A N/A 4.6 7.1

No water upstream, could not test.

Friday 27/9 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+


Week commencing 16 September

No rainfall and low flows continue, alternative water quality analyser used while usual getting a service.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 16/9 N/A N/A 11.9 7.4

No water upstream, could not test.

Tuesday 17/9 N/A N/A 5.08 7.4

No water upstream, could not test.

Wednesday 18/9 N/A N/A 0.63 7.08

No water upstream, could not test. Lots of water noted at outlet area. 

Thursday 19/9  N/A N/A 2 7.1

No water upstream - could not test. 

Friday 20/9 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+


Week commencing 9 September

No rainfall until 6.6mm fell between Thursday – Friday, low flows continue.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 9/9 N/A N/A 2.1 7.3

Upstream - no flow to sample.

Tuesday 10/9 N/A N/A 1.4 7.2

Upstream - no flow to sample.

Wednesday 11/9 N/A N/A 21.3 7.1

Upstream - no flow to sample.

Evidence that sediment had been washed from outlet into the creek, causing high turbidity from the first pool downstream of the outlet (128NTU) to KFAC bridge (13.2NTU). Council staff notified EPA, organised removal of sediment and sediment laden water and commenced investigation into the source of the turbidity.

Thursday 12/9  N/A N/A 6.1 7.2

Upstream - no flow to sample.

Outlet - turbidity adjusting back to normal following clean-up.

Friday 13/9 N/A N/A N/A N/A Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+


Week commencing 2 September

No significant rainfall and continued low flows.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 2/9 N/A N/A 8.6 7.5

Upstream - no flow to sample.

Tuesday 3/9 N/A N/A 7.9 7.3

Upstream - no flow to sample.

Wednesday 4/9 N/A N/A 2.4 7.3 Upstream - no flow to sample.
Thursday 5/9  Sample team N/A  Sample team N/A 
Friday 6/9 Sample team N/A

Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 26 August

No significant rainfall and continued low flows.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 26/8 3 8.5 1.7* 7.76*

*Reading from KFAC bridge - sensor not working at outlet due to low flow and high iron bacteria (pocket probe pH reading for Outlet = 7.3)

Tuesday 27/8 2.5 7.3 6.9 7.4

Continue to monitor.

Wednesday 28/8 N/A 7.5# 70.2^ 7.4

# Sensor not working at upstream (very low flow), pH measured with pocket probe.

^ High iron bacteria impacting turbidity reading at outlet, water noted as clear and KFAC bridge NTU=2.

Thursday 29/8  N/A N/A  1.5 7.4 Upstream - no flow to sample.
Friday 30/8 Sample team N/A

Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 19 August

No significant rainfall and continued low flows.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 19/8 N/A N/A 3.7* 7.6*

Very low flows meant it was not possible to sample at Yanko Road.

* Outlet sample from KFAC Bridge due to Low flows, Iron Bacteria and sensor error.

Tuesday 20/8 0.4# 8.7# 10.2 7.4

# Low flows upstream meant this reading was collected approx 50m upstream of Yanko Road.

Iron Bacteria near the outlet impacting turbidity readings.

Wednesday 21/8 2.1# 9.1# 2.3 7.4 # Low flows upstream meant this reading was collected approx 50m upstream of Yanko Road.
Thursday 22/8 0.7# 9.2#


In situ test


# Low flows upstream meant this reading was collected approx 50m upstream of Yanko Road.

In situ turbidity measurements at the outlet heavily impacted by Iron Bacteria. Second test undertaken by collecting water and testing in a bucket confirmed low turbidity in flow as observed.



Collected test

Friday 23/8 Sample team N/A

Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40  40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4 6.5 - 8.3 8.4 - 9 9.1+

Week commencing 12 August

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 12/8 9.5 7.79 84.5 7.49

High turbidity noted during late afternoon testing - Projects team notified next morning to investigate cause.

No activity on site during testing.

Tuesday 13/8 5.1 7.9 22.2 7.9

Outlet turbidity reducing following Monday afternoon high reading.

Wednesday 14/8 2.2 8.03 7 7.68 Light rain during testing.
Thursday 15/8 6.2 8 12.6 7.6

Pocket probe pH readings recorded. Moderate turbidity in 'side pipe' flows 27.8 NTU.

Friday 16/8 Sample team N/A

Sample team N/A

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 5 August

Repaired monitoring probe required minor adjustments during the week.

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 5/8 5.5 9.31 4.1 7.26 Continue to monitor (Rental Probe).
Tuesday 6/8 -1.9 8.15 1.8 7.19

Using repaired monitoring probe - turbidity calibration to zero slightly off. Upstream testing taken further upstream from Lofberg Road due to low flow.

Wednesday 7/8 Sample team N/A


Thursday 8/8 2.5 7.8



Repaired monitoring probe recalibrated.

Upstream testing taken further upstream from Lofberg Road due to low flow.

High Iron Bacteria at outlet with sediments disturbed at the outlet sample aera. No evidence of turbid flows coming through NG outlet pipe and downstream sites clear - KFAC bridge 5.9 NTU, Streamwatch 21.4 NTU.

Observe to ensure turbidity is just due to disturbed iron bacteria.

Friday 9/8  1.8 7.37 13.9 7.25 Upstream testing taken further upstream from Lofberg Road due to low flow.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1

Week commencing 29 July

Iron Bacteria bloom continues in the area. A release of Turbid water on 31 July is currently under investigation.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 29/7 8.3 7.07 20.5 8 Continue to monitor. Side pipe noted at pH 8.42.
Tuesday 30/7 5.7 6.61 12.55 8.34

Continue to monitor. Side pipe pH 9 impacting outlet results.

Wednesday 31/7 Sample team N/A

Turbid water reported by EPA. Incident under investigation.

Thursday 1/8 7.2 9.23



Iron Bacteria present - turbidity levels still clearing after incident on 31/7. pH high upstream and at outlet - suspect upstream water quality issue, however cause could not be identified.

Friday 2/8 Sample team N/A

Continue to monitor.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1

Week commencing 22 July

Council’s monitoring probe being serviced. Using rental monitoring probe for turbidity readings. Iron Bacteria bloom continues to impact turbidity readings at some sample points but is a natural occurrence.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 22/7 8.0 N/A 17 N/A Continue to monitor.
Tuesday 23/7 7.9 N/A 7 N/A

Continue to monitor.

Wednesday 24/7 4.9 N/A 39.1 N/A

No rainfall and high iron bacteria load affecting turbidity at Normal Griffiths Outlet Cage (isolated to the outlet area). Iron bacteria also present further downstream and in adjacent branch of the creek. Turbidity measuring 8 NTU at KFAC bridge and 15.1 NTU at the stream watch site where sampling could be undertaken away from Iron Bacteria.

Thursday 25/7 8.7 N/A



No rainfall and high iron bacteria load affecting turbidity at Normal Griffiths Outlet Cage (isolated to the outlet area). Iron bacteria also present further downstream and in adjacent branch of the creek. Turbidity measuring 13.8 NTU at KFAC bridge and 13.5 NTU at the stream watch site.

Friday 26/7 N/A N/A N/A N/A 

Sample team N/A.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 15 July

Monitoring probe faults continue from Tuesday the 16t impacting both pH and Turbidity readers. Monitoring probe sent for repairs and calibration with the service contractor noting a manufacturers fault with the pH probe. pH readings therefore may be inaccurate since the probe was last replaced on the 31/5/2024. Rental monitoring probe used from Friday 19 July for turbidity readings. Iron Bacteria bloom impacting the creek is natural occurrence and not cause for concern.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 15/7 5.9 N/A 28.1 N/A Low rainfall and high iron bacteria load affecting turbidity at Normal Griffiths Outlet Cage. Iron bacteria also present further downstream and in adjacent branch of the creek. Turbidity measuring 6 NTU at KFAC bridge and 6.3 NTU at the Streamwatch site.
Tuesday 16/7 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Wednesday 17/7 N/A N/A N/A N/A


Thursday 18/7 N/A N/A



Friday 19/7 8.2

Low rainfall and high Iron Bacteria load affecting turbidity at Normal Griffiths Outlet cage (isolated to the outlet area). Iron bacteria also present further downstream and in adjacent branch of the creek. Turbidity measuring 11.4 NTU at KFAC bridge and 32.3 NTU at the Streamwatch site (impacted by Iron Bacteria).

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 8 July

Light rainfall recorded early in the week, fining up towards the weekend. 

pH reader reported as not operating properly during the week, only Turbidity recorded until probe can be serviced.

Sediment removal from behind check dams in the creek undertaken with sandbags and coir logs maintained.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 8/7 10.7 N/A 25.5 N/A Dewatering noted - turbidity level to be observed, NTU of 20.8 recorded at KFAC bridge, max NTU of 26.4 at the Streamwatch site - continue to observe.
Tuesday 9/7 10.3 N/A 23.5 N/A

Good - continue to observe.

Wednesday 10/7 4.9 N/A 31.7* N/A

Downstream sample taken from first pool as contractors working near headwall, dewatering also noted - continue to observe - likely to be local disturbance due to works. NTU of 23.3 recorded at KFAC bridge, 15.2 at the Streamwatch site.

Thursday 11/7 7.4 N/A



Good - continue to observe.

Friday 12/7 5.6 N/A 6.2 N/A 

Good - continue to observe.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 1 July

Rainfall recorded at Wahroonga 1-5 July totalled 30.6mm.

Final patching and inspections following the partial pipe collapse during re-lining activities continued throughout the week.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 1/7 9.7 6.31 16.2 6.25 Continue to monitor.
Tuesday 2/7 10.1 6.16 21.8 6.08

Continue to monitor.

Wednesday 3/7 10 6.3 25 6.22

Continue to monitor.

Turbid water identified escaping through pipe joint. Contractor commissioned to inspect joint and plan emergency repair works.

Thursday 4/7 14.2 6.37





Measurements taken three times during the day - once before and twice after patching works were completed. Water quality showed improvement following patching works.

Mid-morning pH 6.34; Turbidity 27.5 NTU


Afternoon pH 6.25; Turbidity 23.2 NTU

Friday 5/7 21.4 5.85 72.7 7.91 

Outlet sample impacted by high turbid flows coming from the side pipe pH7.95; Turbidity 151.6 NTU.

Project team notified and report made to customer service for rangers to inspect high turbidity in the side pipe catchment (Ryde Road Catchment).

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU) 0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+


Week commencing 24 June

Rainfall over Saturday 22 – Sunday 23 (18.8 and 17.8mm at Wahroonga).

Partial pipe collapse during re-lining activities resulted in the release of sediment laden water. The incident is still under investigation and response works are ongoing.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 24/6 12.9 6.53 25* 6.28* *Pipe re-lining working blocking access to outlet sample point. Downstream samples taken from KFAC bridge.
Tuesday 25/6 7.9 6.39 613.6* 6.39*

Section of pipe collapsed during re-lining works, resulting in sediment pollution event that overwhelmed on-site controls. Incident quickly notified to projects team and EPA with actions including establishment of sediment check dams and removal of debris from the pipe implemented asap.

Continue to monitor and clean up following event.

*Pipe re-lining works blocking access to outlet sample point. Downstream samples taken from KFAC bridge.

Wednesday 26/6 17.4 6.7 122.9 6.2*

Turbidity significantly reduced from previous day, however still high following pipe collapse and ongoing clean-up activities.

Turbidity levels quickly improving downstream, Streamwatch site pH 5.87; Turbidity 20.1 NTUs.

Continue to monitor and clean up following event.

*Pipe re-lining works blocking access to outlet sample point. Downstream samples taken from KFAC bridge.

Thursday 27/6 5.5 6.13 51.9* 6.61#

#Sample taken from first pool downstream of headwall.

KFAC Bridge results show good improvement in response to clean up works – pH 6.67; Turbidity 10 NTUs.

Friday 28/6 N/A

Sample team NA.

Post sediment pollution clean-up works ongoing in first pool downstream from headwall.

Continue to monitor and clean up following event.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU)  0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6 - 6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+


Week commencing 17 June

Flows reducing following rainfall over Friday 14 – Saturday 15 (24.8 and 1.4mm at Wahroonga).

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 17/6 9.1 6.75 16.7 6.58 Good - continue to observe.
Tuesday 18/6 7 6.83 14.7 6.37

Site treatment and dewatering during testing, continue to monitor.

Wednesday 19/6 4.7 6.09 4.5 5.93 Turbidity good, pH slightly low with decreased flow, continue to monitor.
Thursday 20/6 4 6.35 106.2 7.42

Downstream sample taken from pool below outlet due to pipe lining works being undertaken at the outlet. Minor activity around the pipe headwall resulted in stirring up sediment in vicinity of the outlet and a high turbidity reading. This high turbidity was localised and reduced quickly downstream to (30.5 at site 3 - KFAC Bridge).

Watch and ensure works do not cause downstream sediment issues.

Friday 21/6 4.6 6.39 3.4 6.09

Turbidity good, pH slightly low with decreased flow, continue to monitor.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU)  0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6  -6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 10 June

Creek flows decreasing following high rainfall during previous week (Thursday 6 June - 51.2mm recorded at Wahroonga) with water treatment and dewatering activities undertaken.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 10/6 N/A N/A N/A N/A Public holiday
Tuesday 11/6 5.6 7.21 12 6.93

Site treatment and dewatering during sampling.

Wednesday 12/6 4.4 6.56 3.6 6.85 Site treatment and dewatering during sampling.
Thursday 13/6 3.6  6.33 8.5 6.09

Low water levels during testing in morning, dewatering undertaken in afternoon. pH dropping with decreasing flow, continue to monitor.

Friday 14/6 3.3 6.66 3.3 6.15

pH still slightly low with decreased flow, continue to monitor.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU)  0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6  -6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+


Week commencing 3 June

High rainfall over the weekend with the site receiving over 100mm of rain (107.2mm recorded at Wahroonga) between Saturday 1 June and Sunday 2 June. This was compounded by further significant rainfall on Thursday 6 June (51.2mm recorded at Wahroonga).

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 3/6 9.2 8.2 15.2 7.94

High flows following heavy rain over the weekend.

Hight turbidity of 51.7 NTU from side pipe near outlet – residential site in catchment lacking sediment control issues reported to rangers.

Tuesday 4/6 4.6 8.02 45.1 8.21

Turbidity of 56.2 NTU from side pipe near outlet – continue to monitor.

Council request contractor to ensure water is removed from site prior to forecast rain.

Wednesday 5/6 N/A N/A  N/A N/A

Sample team not available. 

Contractor removing water from site prior to forecast rain.

Thursday 6/6 5.6  8.41 38.1   7.81

Further rainfall resulting in increasing turbidity – continue to monitor.

Friday 7/6 24.5 8.45 94 7.76

No available flow upstream meant that site could not be sampled.

Dewatering during sampling – low pH reported to project manager and de-watering ceased for investigation and rectification. 

* pH sensor identified for replacement, undertaken 30 May 2024.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU)  0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6  -6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 27 May

Week commencing Monday 27 May

Lack of rainfall and pipe rectification works meant that sampling was restricted this week, as such water quality monitoring results are provided from slightly further downstream.      

It was also identified that the pH sensor would need to be replaced, which was undertaken Thursday 30 May.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 27/5 N/A – No flow N/A

17.3 (KFAC bridge)

pH probe not working.

No available flow upstream and works near the outlet meant that sites could not be sampled.

Ku-ring-gai Fitness and Aquatic Centre (KFAC) Bridge readings provided for downstream.

Tuesday 28/5 N/A – No flow 28.9 (KFAC bridge) N/A*

pH probe not working.

No available flow upstream and works near the outlet meant that sites could not be sampled.

KFAC Bridge readings provided for downstream. Works disturbing sediment, continue to monitor turbidity.

Wednesday 29/5 N/A – No flow 15.2 (pool downstream of outlet) N/A*


pH probe not working.

No available flow upstream meant that site could not be sampled.

Low flows meant site could not be sampled directly at outlet – downstream pool measured as alternative.

Thursday 30/5 N/A - Probe in service

N/A - Probe in service

Friday 31/5 N/A – No flow
13.5 6.01


No available flow upstream meant that site could not be sampled.

Dewatering during sampling – low pH reported to project manager and de-watering ceased for investigation and rectification. 

* pH sensor identified for replacement, undertaken 30 May 2024.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU)  0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6  -6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 20 May

Week commencing Monday 20 May

Lack of rainfall and low flow conditions have resulted in an Iron Bacteria bloom within Quarry Creek.

Iron Bacteria blooms are a natural occurrence in many of Ku-ring-gai’s waterways during low flows and they are not considered to indicate a pollution event. Disturbance of Iron Bacteria whilst undertaking water quality testing can lead to higher turbidity readings, which are not an indication of pollution.

Lower flows also lead to slightly more acidic water, however pH readings above 5.5 will not negatively impact Quarry Creek. pH levels between 5.6 – 6.4 are monitored to ensure levels do not drop too low.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 20/5 28.2
7.07 44.5 6.03

Water level low, iron bacteria present at downstream sample area, no evidence of sediment laden water.

Turbidity levels decreased downstream and were 22.1 NTU at the Stream Watch monitoring site.  

Continue to monitor.

Tuesday 21/5 24.8 6.87 20.3 6.25

Water level low, iron bacteria present at downstream sample area, no evidence of sediment laden water.

Continue to monitor.

Wednesday 22/5 14.2 6.08 68.2 6.41

Lots of Iron Bacteria in downstream sample area, additional reading done slightly further downstream, returning a result of 12.2 NTU. 

Continue to monitor.

Thursday 23/5 8 5.83 19.6 5.89

Upstream site very low flows, Iron Bacteria remains at downstream site.

Continue to monitor.

Friday 24/5 17.2 6.06 15.5 6.05

Upstream site very low flows, Iron Bacteria remains at downstream site.

Continue to monitor.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU)  0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6  -6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 13 May

Weekend rainfall resulted in moderate turbidity early in the week, that gradually returned to better levels throughout the week.

As high pH detected during site de-watering for a second time the contractor was instructed to stop all de-watering activities immediately and instructed to implement changes to the dewatering procedure.

Council formally reported the contractor’s non-compliance with EMP to the EPA and is working with both the EPA and Contractor to ensure appropriate de-watering procedures are established.

Water monitoring table

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 13/5, 11am 31.4
8.32 20.9 10.48

High pH detected during site de-watering for a second time. Contractor instructed to stop all de-watering activities immediately and to check the system and procedures. Site inspection by Council staff on Monday afternoon result in instructions to change the pump arrangement. 

(Council formally reported incidents on non-compliance with EMP to the EPA on 14/05)

Tuesday 14/5, 10.45am 21.5 7.9 32.4 7.05 Increased Turbidity at outlet, noting similar moderate Turbidity at the side outlet pipe (29.4). Continue monitoring to see if increasing or decreasing flowing light rain on Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday 15/5,12.30pm 14.7 7.45 16.5 7.71 No rain, flows back within healthy range - continue to observe. 
Thursday 16/5, 9am 11.9 7.37 16 8.01 Good – continue to observe.
Friday 17/5, 9am 11.2 7.24 16.4 7.17 Good – continue to observe.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU)  0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6  -6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+

Week commencing 6 May

Ongoing repair works and upstream works have contributed to high turbidity levels, however they were quickly addressed. High pH detected during de-watering. Contractor instructed to stop dewatering and review procedures.

  Upstream (Lofberg Rd Channel) Downstream (Norman Griffiths outlet cage)  
   Turbidity (NTU)  pH  NTU  pH  Actions
Monday 6/5, 3pm  29.9
 7.6  78  7.6 Pipe repair works ongoing at time of sample; also noted high NTU from outlet beside the outlet cage (does not pick up NG site drainage) (44)
Tuesday 7/5, 5pm  14.5  7.15  25.2  7.51  Downstream NTU improving following pipe works
Wednesday 8/5, 10am   18 7.73   17.3 7.55   All good – continue to observe
 Thursday 9/5, 3pm  69.7  7.25  40.8  7.58 High turbidity detected coming from upstream parts of the catchment. Investigations into case identify inappropriate controls at a work site on Shaddock Avenue – reported to Council’s Rangers for action.
 Friday 10/5, 9am  10.5  7.37  24.6  10.28 Turbidity good. High pH detected during de-watering. Contractor instructed to stop dewatering and review procedures.

Traffic lights key

 Turbidity (NTU)  0 - 25 25.1 - 40   40.1+    
 pH  <5.5  5.6  -6.4  6.5 - 8.3  8.4 - 9  9.1+


Should you require further information please contact sfindlay@krg.nsw.gov.au or 9424 0000.