Gordon Recreation Ground Masterplan works

Council adopted the Gordon Recreation Ground Masterplan on 12 June 2018. View the Gordon Recreation Ground Landscape Masterplan(PDF, 4MB).
Stage 1
The first stage of the Masterplan implementation works is the upgrade of the Playground on the Rosedale Road side of the grounds. Completed in 2019, the playground provides an inclusive space with a wider variety of play opportunities sited within a fenced area.
Playground upgrade plan(PDF, 3MB)
The playground includes a giant climbing dome, slides, a multi-swing set with a bird-nest swing, springers and rockers. It also includes a picnic table and shelter with seating and a drinking fountain.
Stage 2
Stage 2 of the masterplan works includes an upgrade to the existing tennis pavilion and gateway. The works on the pavilion will provide revitalised and compliant toilet facilities and internal layout with an accessible path of access to the building. The gateway will also be upgraded and restored. Construction is complete.
Stage 3
This will be the remaining landscaping works for the site including lighting and accessible pathways. Work is currently in progress.
Email Coordinator Design William Birt or call 9424 0607.