Gordon Cultural and Civic Hub

Project update

At the Council meeting of 16 April 2024 a report was presented on the Lindfield Village Hub. The report was subsequently deferred to the 21 May meeting.

The Council resolution at the 21 May meeting called for a review of the feasibility of all the Hub projects proposed for Lindfield, Gordon and Turramurra.

  1. That Council review the feasibility of the Turramurra, Gordon and Lindfield Hub projects as set out in this report.
  2. That the current exclusive negotiations with the Lindfield Village Hub ‘preferred proponent’ be concluded and that Council commence negotiations with other providers, as outlined in this report.

View the Council meeting minutes of 21 May

Since April, Council staff have:

  • Notified the LVH preferred proponent that their exclusivity status has concluded.
  • Approached the remaining proponents to ascertain their interest in continuing negotiations.
  • Commenced analysis of the impacts on the Transport Oriented Development SEPP on the Lindfield Village Hub and other Hub sites (Turramurra and Gordon).


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