Open Space Acquisition Strategy


The Open Space Strategy (OSAS) establishes a series of principles to guide Council when considering the acquisition of land for open space within Ku-ring-gai, it also identifies open space provision opportunities and priorities for acquisition. 

The Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan, 2010 (part A and B(PDF, 2MB)) (part C(PDF, 346KB)) provides funding for land acquisition, design and construction of new parks and civic spaces.

The objectives of the Open Space Acquisition Strategy (OSAS) are:

  • To guide decision making in relation to acquisition of open space.
  • To ensure acquisitions are effective investments in terms of location and quality.
  • To ensure that new parks meet the needs of the existing and new population.
  • To identify priorities including ‘hot spots’ for acquisition of open space.

Ku-ring-gai Open Space Acquisition Strategy 2006

The Acquisition Strategy is in five parts:

Part 1 sets out the purpose and objectives.

Open Space Acquisition Strategy - Part 1(PDF, 183KB)

Part 2 describes the existing open space network across Ku-ring-gai

Open Space Acquisition Strategy - Part 2(PDF, 3MB)

Part 3 describes the development patterns, population changes and impacts on the open space network.

Open Space Acquisition Strategy - Part 3(PDF, 2MB)

Part 4 provides an analysis of key principles for open space provision.

Open Space Acquisition Strategy - Part 4(PDF, 56KB)

Part 5 sets out an action plan with strategies, criteria and priorities for implementation of the Strategy.

Open Space Acquisition Strategy - Part 5(PDF, 4MB)

The Strategy is supported by the following plans and policies: