Ku-ring-gai Urban Forest Strategy

The Ku-ring-gai Urban Forest Strategy will guide how Council manages and enhances its urban forest into the future.

It sets out clear targets and directions on how we can protect our existing tree, vegetation and soil assets and do more to increase our canopy coverage and urban forest extents.  The strategy sets ambitious targets for the expansion of a thriving urban forest for Ku-ring-gai. The Urban Forest Strategy will be supported by an urban forest replenishment program and urban forest monitoring programs. 

The Ku-ring-gai Urban Forest Strategy has been in progress since in mid-2021, prepared in collaboration with consultants ArborCarbon and Good Canopy Company. Four comprehensive reports have been produced for each stage of the strategic development process. 

Stage 1 Report(PDF, 18MB)

Stage 2 Report(PDF, 6MB)

Stage 3 Report(PDF, 4MB)

Stage 4 Report(PDF, 17MB)

The final Ku-ring-gai Urban Forest Strategy was adopted at the Ordinary Meeting of Council in December 2022.

A copy of the strategy document and the Action and Implementation Plan can be found here: 

Ku-ring-gai Urban Forest Strategy(PDF, 10MB)

Action and Implementation Plan(PDF, 243KB)

Our Urban Forest is where you can visit to find out more about Ku-ring-gai’s urban forest.


Fleur Rees, Senior Landscape Architect 9424 0000.