Council land register
Council keeps a register of public lands in Ku-ring-gai, under Section 53 of the Local Government Act 1993.
The land register is a listing of public land, both community and operational, owned or under the care, control and management of Council including land under lease.
The register includes the following:
- The name (if any) by which the land is known.
- The address or location of the land.
- The reference to title of the land.
- The name of the owner of the land.
- Whether or not the land is Crown land.
- The classification under this part of the land.
- Whether or not there is a plan of management for the land.
- The zoning (if any) of the land under an environmental planning instrument.
- Particulars of any agreement (including any lease or licence) entered into by Council with respect to the land.
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