Local Centres Road Improvement Program

In response to increased development in the Local Centres Council is planning for improvements to existing roads and intersections.
These will address future capacity issues, make transportation more accessible and ensure that future residential, retail, commercial and community developments can integrate well with the existing transport network. Part of the funding for the works is from the Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan 2010.
Some of the planned works will be carried out on major roads like the Pacific Highway and Mona Vale Road. These projects involve close collaboration with Transport for NSW in terms of planning, design and construction. Other works are planned for local or regional roads and they also require collaboration with Transport for NSW.
Collaboration is necessary when implementing new or modified traffic signals, creating new one-way roads, or obtaining approvals through the Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee.
Program status
The works outlined in the Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan are included in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), which also provides estimated timelines. However, the timing of these works is ultimately influenced or triggered by nearby redevelopment.
Factors such as demand, and economic cycles play a role in determining when redevelopment will take place. Additionally, there are opportunities to coordinate the delivery of new roads or road modifications with the phased implementation of Public Domain Plans in the key Centres.
Works in progress
Road widening – Fitzsimons Lane
Detailed design has commenced for the upgrade of Fitzsimons Lane to improve the road width as well as the provision of a new footpath along the north-eastern side (which forms the rear of the new buildings fronting the Pacific Highway).
New traffic signals – intersection of Lindfield Avenue and Tryon Road, Lindfield
Detail design is underway for the installation of new traffic signals at the intersection of Lindfield Avenue and Tryon Road and the decommissioning of the existing pedestrian activated traffic signal crossing in Lindfield Avenue. Transport for NSW has approved the concept design and modelling and the detailed design will commence shortly as part of the Lindfield Avenue and Tryon Road Streetscape Upgrade project.
New traffic signals – intersection of Pacific Highway and Strickland Avenue, Lindfield
A concept design has been submitted to Transport for NSW for new traffic signals at the intersection of Pacific Highway and Strickland Avenue which will permit controlled right turn movements at the intersection. Provision is being made for pedestrian crossing facilities, as well as future cycleway connection across Pacific Highway. This project is part of a suite of transport improvements to support current and future land use growth in Lindfield including the Lindfield Village Green and Lindfield Village Hub major projects and is closely linked to the modifications planned at the intersection of Pacific Highway and Balfour Street/Havilah Road.
Modifications to existing traffic signals - intersection of Pacific Highway and Balfour Street/Havilah Road, Lindfield
Transport for NSW has given Approval-In-Principle for a concept design that proposes modifications to the existing traffic signals. Key changes include extensions to the right turn bays on Pacific Highway and removal of the right turn from Havilah Road (underpass road) to Pacific Highway, which will be transferred to the new traffic signals at Strickland Avenue.
Tryon Place, Lindfield – extension to Pacific Highway via Lindfield Library site (as part of the Lindfield Village Living proposal)
Council lodged a development application (DA) for a residential apartment building on the current Lindfield Library site, which includes the construction of a new one-way access road (to be dedicated in future as public road) linking the Pacific Highway to Tryon Place, complete with footpaths. The application has received Deferred Commencement Consent.
Completed works
New pedestrian activated signals on Pacific Highway at Moree Street
Pedestrian crossing facilities were installed on the Pacific Highway (at Moree Street) by Transport for NSW in association with pedestrian fencing on the median between Dumaresq Street and St Johns Avenue. The pedestrian crossing facilities were integrated with intersection control of traffic movements to/from Moree Street.
New roundabout at intersection of Henry Street and railway underpass
A new roundabout was installed at this location in 2020 to better manage traffic movements at the intersection. The pedestrian crossing at the underpass road was integrated into the new splitter island.
Reconstruction and widening of Wade Lane with new footpaths
With the assistance of Transport for NSW, Wade Lane was reconstructed to improve/widen footpaths, as well as upgrades to lighting. New raised pedestrian crossings were also installed, aligning with lanes connecting to the Pacific Highway and other pedestrian desire lines.
New bus interchange
The bus interchange was reconstructed by Transport for NSW and included new waiting areas, shelters, lighting and security, as well as lift access to the multi-storey commuter car park below.
Construction of new road - Beans Farm Road between Dumaresq Street and McIntyre Street, Gordon
Two properties were acquired for the development of a road link (approximately 144m long) to provide additional pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle permeability in the area. Beans Farm Road was completed in 2015.
Construction of new road - Hanson Way between Dumaresq Street and Moree Street, Gordon
Two properties were acquired for the development of a road link (approximately 155m long) to provide additional pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle permeability in the area. Hanson Way was completed in 2018.
Road modification - Havilah Lane, Lindfield (widening to accommodate 2-way traffic flow)
To improve rear lane access to the shops in Lindfield Avenue, Havilah Lane was widened during the construction of the Lindfield Village Green to provide 2-way traffic flow and a footpath on the western side. Land on the western side of the lane was dedicated to provide the additional road width required.
Road modification - Balfour Lane, Lindfield (relocation to divert around Coles redevelopment site)
Balfour Lane was relocated to the western end of the Coles car park site through the process of a road closure (of the former Balfour Lane) and road opening. The location of the new Balfour Lane allowed Coles to consolidate its retail and at-grade car park site to facilitate redevelopment into a mixed-use development.
St Ives
Modify/narrow Porters Lane, St Ives (implementation of One-Way flow (eastbound) in temporary materials).
One-way (eastbound) traffic flow has been implemented in Porters Lane between the Council car park and Lynbara Avenue in accordance with the adopted traffic plan for St Ives. The changed traffic conditions were implemented in temporary materials in lieu of permanent, integrated streetscape works as part of the St Ives Public Domain Plan.
Future works
- New road between Moree Street and St Johns Avenue, Gordon.
- New road between Turramurra Avenue and Gilroy Road, Turramurra.
- New road between Alma Street and Station Street, Pymble.