Local Centre Streetscapes Improvement Program

Council is progressively delivering streetscape upgrades across the Local Centres in line with the Ku-ring-gai Public Domain Plan 2022.
These projects aim to improve the amenity and accessibility of the streets within our Local Centres. The streetscape improvement works are being delivered through funding from development contributions collected under the Ku-ring-gai Contributions Plan 2010.
Works in progress
Fitzsimons Lane and Pacific Highway, Gordon
Council is planning to upgrade streets in the northern part of Gordon following the completion of a number of high-density developments in the area. Construction is anticipated to commence in 2025. Streetscape improvement works will be undertaken in:
- Fitzsimons Lane.
- Ridge Street, between Fitzsimons Lane and Ryde Road.
- Merriwa Street, between Fitzsimons Lane and Pacific Highway.
- Pacific Highway (western side), between Ryde Road and Merriwa Street.
Improvements will include:
- new street lighting in Fitzsimons Lane.
- new and upgraded footpaths in Fitzsimons Lane.
- new street tree planting.
- upgraded footpaths to Merriwa Street and Pacific Highway.
View the Concept Plan(PDF, 4MB).
Lindfield Avenue and Tryon Road, Lindfield
Lindfield Avenue and Tryon Road are high pedestrian activity areas surrounding the Lindfield Village Green (LVG). Council will be upgrading the streetscape to make them more pedestrian friendly and accessible. Construction is anticipated to commence in 2025.
Council adopted a Concept Plan for the works in 2022. View the Concept Plan(PDF, 4MB).
Detail design and construction documentation has commenced. The proposed improvements will include:
- Wider footpaths for freer movement and outdoor dining opportunities.
- New LED street lighting.
- New raised pedestrian crossings.
- New paving and street trees.
- Additional street furniture.
The plan includes the provision for improved pedestrian and vehicular movements with the installation of new traffic signals at the intersection of Tryon Road and Lindfield Avenue, Lindfield.
Street Intersection Upgrades - Lindfield
Two new signalised intersections are proposed in Lindfield in accordance with the Lindfield Traffic Management Plan adopted by Council at the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 26 April 2022. One signalised intersection is proposed at Lindfield Avenue and Tryon Road, which will be delivered as part of the Lindfield Avenue Streetscape Improvement Works. The other is Strickland Avenue and Pacific Highway. These new intersections will assist with the movement of traffic in and out of the Lindfield local centre as well as provide safer crossing points for pedestrian movement.
The design of the signalised intersections is progressing and are partly funded by Section 7.11 Contributions. In line with the adopted Lindfield Traffic Management Plan, the signalised intersection at Balfour Street and Pacific Highway will be upgraded. The design works are also progressing and are partly funded by Section 7.11 Contributions.
Completed works
St Johns Avenue and Henry Street, Gordon
St Johns Avenue, between the Pacific Highway and Gordon train station, has been upgraded. Improvements to Henry Street are also now complete. The works were funded through Section 7.11 contributions. The completed works include wider footpaths, outdoor dining, new pavements, street furniture and tree planting. Heritage Square will be upgraded as part of Stage 2 of the works so it is more accessible and better integrated into the St Johns Avenue public domain.
Other features included:
- Landscaped terraced areas for outdoor dining.
- Landings, handrails and seating.
- Raised pedestrian crossings at Clipsham Lane, Henry Street and Churchill Lane.
- Improvements to lighting and kiss and ride areas.
Wade Lane, Gordon
The improvements to Wade Lane were jointly funded by development contributions and the NSW Government's High Pedestrian Activity Area Program. The Wade Lane upgrade works were completed in 2022.
The streetscape improvements include widened footpaths, high quality paving and outdoor furniture, as well as new raised pedestrian crossings and additional street lighting for improved pedestrian safety.
Future works
Werona Avenue, Gordon
Improvements to Werona Avenue will include:
- New roundabout at the Park and Werona Avenue intersection.
- Widened footpaths and shared paths.
- New paving to sections of footpaths and new concrete footpaths.
- New tree planting and replacement of trees in poor condition.
- New landscaping with seating wall at station bus stop.
- Terrace for outdoor dining on the corner of Robert Street.
- New streetlights and improved lighting levels.
- New street furniture and garden beds on verges.
- New replacement bus shelter.
- Upgrade to kiss and ride kerbside locations.
- Additional bike racks.
View the Concept Plan(PDF, 2MB).
Rohini Street, Turramurra
Our plan is to improve the streetscape of Rohini Street, as described in the Turramurra Public Domain Plan. Improvements will include the widening of footpaths, new paving, new LED street lighting and tree planting. We plan to create opportunities for outdoor dining to enliven the centre and promote a night-time economy.
Construction is currently programmed for 2026-2027, however this program may vary, and delivery of the works is subject to the availability of development contributions funds.
View Turramurra Public Domain Plan.
Grandview Street, Pymble
Planned upgrades to Grandview Street as described in the Pymble Public Domain Plan. Improvements will include the introduction of safer pedestrian crossing points, wider footpaths, additional street furniture and beautifying the street with new paving, LED street lighting and street tree planting. The wider footpaths will create opportunities for improved outdoor dining areas. Construction is currently programmed for 2025, however this program may vary, and delivery of the works is subject to the availability of development contributions funds.
View Pymble Public Domain Plan.
Hill Street, Roseville
Improvements to Hill Street, as described in the Roseville Public Domain Plan, will include wider footpaths, new LED street lighting, additional crossing points for pedestrians for safer pedestrian movement around the centre. There will be new paving, planting and street furniture. Minor adjustments to traffic movements in Hill Street are proposed to rationalise the road corridor and make improvements for pedestrians and cyclists.
Construction is currently programmed for 2028-2029, however this program may vary, and delivery of the works is subject to the availability of development contributions funds.
View Roseville Public Domain Plan.