Development applications (DA)

Extended DA notification during Christmas and New Year - Development applications, modifications of consent applications (s4.55/4.56) and reviews of determinations (S8.2) lodged between 10 December 2024 and 30 January 2025, will have an extended public exhibition period reflective of Council’s Community Participation Plan (CPP). The exhibition period will close 14 February but may be extended for some applications. Amendments to undetermined development applications, modifications of consent (s4.55/4.56) and reviews of determination (s8.2) received between 10 and 31 December requiring re-notification, will have the public exhibition period extended from 14 days to 21 days.

Do I need a development application? Your development may not need to go through a development application process. Some forms of low impact development do not need a development application and are called exempt or complying development. If your development does not qualify for exempt or complying development, it is likely that a development application is required to be submitted to Council.