Lodge a DA online

Submitting applications online

Development applications and other planning related applications can now be lodged electronically via the NSW Planning Portal. 

Printed applications will no longer be accepted at Council’s Administration Building, either in person or via mail or email.

The NSW Planning Portal is a more convenient and environmentally friendly way to lodge your application.

You can now lodge the following applications and certificates through the NSW Planning Portal:

  • Development application.
  • Section 4.55 modification application.
  • Section 8.2 review of determination.
  • Complying development certificate.
  • Construction certificate.
  • Occupation certificate.
  • Subdivision certificate.
  • PC appointment.

To submit your application online you need to register for a Portal account. Once registration is complete you will be required to fill out an online application form and upload your application documentation.

If your application does not meet Council’s lodgement requirements, it will be returned to you via the Portal. To avoid delays, please make sure your application is complete prior to lodgement. View our DA lodgement requirements matrix(PDF, 187KB).

Register online

It is necessary to submit the same documentation with your online application that is required by Council.


Once your application is reviewed and formally lodged by Council staff, you will be contacted regarding the fees and payment, which will need to be made through Council’s e-services or Bpay systems. Payments are required within 48 hours or the application will be returned. Please note cheques cannot be accepted. Fees can be paid online.  

Please note: A Planning Reform Fee (Plan First) is applicable on applications for the construction of a building, the carrying out of a work or demolition works with an estimated development cost greater than $50,000 (including GST). The fee is calculated using a formula set out in Clause 266 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 (EP&A Regs). Council collects these fees following the lodgement of a development application (DA) on behalf of the NSW Government in accordance with Clause 266 of the EP&A Regs. The State Government uses these fees to fund reforms to the NSW planning system. Clause 249 of the EP&A Regs outlines the services that are covered by the fee. For further information regarding this fee, please contact the NSW Department of Planning and Environment

Make a payment

Next steps

Council will check your application to make sure it includes everything needed to assess your proposal. If more information is needed for the assessment, we will contact you through the Portal. All additional information you provide to Council must be submitted through the Portal. Council will also send your DA to any government agencies that need to be consulted through the Portal. After the assessment process is completed, you will be notified about your application through the Portal.

 Five step guide to preparing your DA

More information

Ku-ring-gai Council DA Guide(PDF, 5MB)

If you need assistance using the online application service, please visit the Department of Planning How to Guides or contact Service NSW on 1300 305 695 for additional support.

The NSW Planning Portal has assistance and support available for people with disability, restricted internet access and languages other than English.

The NSW Planning Portal has developed a new eModule, a short online course on exempt development and complying development. The Module is a valuable resource to home owners, businesses, builders and building designers wanting to learn more about exempt and complying development.

Do I need a development application?

Your development may not need to go through a development application process.

If you are building or renovating, you will need to find out whether you need approval. Some forms of low impact development do not need a development application and are called exempt or complying development.

Exempt development (no approval required)

Many types of small building projects and home renovations do not need development approval. If the building project meets specific development criteria and land requirements, the development can be carried out as Exempt Development where no building approval is needed.

Visit the Exempt Development page on the NSW Planning Portal to determine whether you can undertake your project as exempt development.

Complying development (fast track approval)

Other forms of low impact residential, commercial and industrial developments may qualify for a fast track approval process known as Complying Development. If the application meets specific development criteria and land requirements, a complying development certificate (CDC) can be obtained through Council or an accredited certifier.

Visit the Complying Development page on the NSW Planning Portal for more information.

If your development does not qualify for exempt or complying development, it is likely that a development application is required to be submitted to Council for approval.

FAQs NSW Planning Portal