Nest boxes

Tree hollows provide critical habitat for native species including birds, sugar gliders, microbats and possums for nesting, roosting and shelter. It can take over 100 years for hollows to form and nest boxes provide habitat where hollows are scarce.
We are providing habitat for wildlife on private land, Council land and local schools.
In your backyard
Create valuable stepping stones for habitat in your garden.
Nest boxes
If you already have a nest-box at home or want to build your own, visit Backyard Buddies and Birdlife Australia for some great resources.
Top tips for positioning your nest box
- An area of native vegetation, ideally with connectivity to other areas of native vegetation.
- Presence of feeding trees such as eucalypts.
- Away from busy roads, artificial light spill and domestic animals.
On Council land
Council are committed to the planting of trees and expanding our urban forest, but hollows take a long time to develop. We use nest boxes to increase habitat availability for hollow-dependent fauna.
Smart Schools
We are working with local primary schools in 2022/23 to install nest boxes at suitable sites and engage students on the importance of urban forest and habitat. The nest boxes will be supported by curriculum-based education materials and contribute to Council's monitoring program and BioBase records.
Read more about our Smart Schools Programs