
Feral rabbit populations are increasing on the North Shore and cause major environmental damage, including the destruction of native vegetation, sportsfields, reserves and gardens.

According to Local Land Services, feral rabbits cost Australia over $200 million in damage each year.

FAQ – Wild rabbit control using Pindone

Who is conducting the work?

Ku-ring-gai Council.

What does the bait look like?

Diced carrot coated in a green dye.

Can it affect my dog?

Yes, however it will depend on how much carrot is eaten and the size of your dog.

What are the symptoms of poisoning in animals?

Symptoms include bleeding from the nose, gums, blood in stool, blood in urine, anaemia, bruising, fatigue and shortness of breath during exertion.

What should I do if I think my dog has been poisoned?

Seek urgent veterinary care. A vet can administer an antidote.

How does the poison work?

Pindone causes a depression in the liver function to activate vitamin K. This in turn causes a decrease in blood clotting factors resulting in death.

How long does it take until the rabbit is dead?

Rabbits poisoned with Pindone usually die after a delay while body stores of clotting factors and vitamin K are exhausted. Overall rabbit numbers are expected to progressively decline, commencing about 10 days after the application.

Is it a humane way to kill rabbits?

Yes, it’s an approved method by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and is commonly used throughout Australia. In NSW is it conducted in accordance with the NSW Pesticides Act 1996.

Why can’t you catch the rabbits and euthanise them at a vet?

Council’s integrated pest management program employs multiple control methods, including trapping and RHDV calicivirus. Each control method has inherent limitations and no single method alone can feasibly suppress rabbit populations.

What notification has been done?

Public notices have been put up at main entrance points. Information is available on Council’s web page. Adjoining neighbours have received a letter box notification.

Where can I get more information?

Ku-ring-gai Councils Coordinator Bushland Services, Travis Roberts (02) 9424 0401Greater Sydney Local Land Services (02) 4724 2100.

Report a rabbit sighting

You can help us monitor the movements of rabbits by reporting sightings online

Rabbit control FAQs

Control options for private properties

In terms of keeping rabbits out of your property, the best option is to undertake fencing and attach rabbit netting to an existing fence around the area requiring protection. Most fencing contractors should be able to undertake these works at a relatively low cost. In addition to fencing, Council recommends that a private pest control company, specialising in vertebrate pest control, is contacted to assist in eradicating rabbits on your land.

Other options include:

  • Spraying your plants with a liquid deterrent made from boiled garlic and chilli or spreading blood and bone fertilizer, both techniques will have to be repeated after rain.
  • Poisoning with Pindone oat bait:
    This is a product that can be used by residents in accordance with the product label. A condition of this product is that it can only be used in properties large than 1000sqm. Properties less than 1000sqm will need to get an off label permit from Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). This control technique increases the potential to harm non-target native animals like bandicoots, so currently it’s not a method that would be encouraged if you have bandicoots in your yard or you live next to bushland areas (it an offensive to harm native wildlife NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1979). Council is happy to provide technical assists for residents who want to use this method. Learn more.
  • Rabbit warren fumigation:
    This method can only be done by licenced Pest Controllers and involves releasing a poisonous gas into the rabbit warren. It can be done on private land and is not limited to lot size. The problem is that many of the rabbit infestations in Ku-ring-gai are scrub rabbits, meaning that they live in the bush as opposed to warrens.
  • Cage trapping and euthanasia:
    This method involved using a cage trap to capture rabbits and then they can be taken to an approved vet to be euthanised. Council has traps which can be borrowed and the cost of euthanasia is covered by Council.