Net Zero Ku-ring-gai

Watch how Council, residents, schools and business are creating healthier, liveable spaces.

Over 124,659 people live in Ku-ring-gai, just 16km from the city, it is known for its unique natural environment with over 30 per cent of our local government area covered in bushland.

Urgent action is required by all levels of government and our community to face our rapidly changing climate and ensure a healthy future.

Our biggest sources of consumption are electricity (58%), transport (28%) and waste generation (12.8%) and gas (6.4%). 

Electricity-chart Transport-chart Waste-chart Gas-chart

*Emissions data provided by Resilience Sydney.

Where do we start?

While real solutions will require action on a global scale, there are choices you can make to reduce your personal impact.

Net Zero Ku-ring-gai has been created in collaboration with Council and our residents, schools and businesses. This partnership led to the first five years Net Zero Communities Strategy and clearly outlines our actions to get there in the Management Actions and Funding Table

We have set an ambitious goal as a community to reach net zero emissions by 2040, or earlier and a 50% reduction, by 2030. See our overarching Climate Change Policy.(PDF, 376KB)

So what are Net Zero emissions? Click here for a simple overview.

How do we get there?

Net Zero Infographic_01B.jpg

Go to the Net Zero site

Get started

Community feedback

Read what you had to say from our consultation process in 2022. 

Need help?

Please contact our Sustainability Engagement Officer via email or phone 9424 0172.