Environmental Levy projects
The Environmental Levy delivers a range of environmental works and programs across the key themes of energy, water and catchments, biodiversity, sustainable transport and community recreation and community engagement and environmental education.
Energy and climate change
The Levy funds a range of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects such as HVAC and solar water upgrades, LED lighting, intelligent lighting controls; the installation of solar PV; energy management systems, such as Building Management System (BMS) controls and sub-metering; and the procurement of renewable energy.
Bushland and wildlife
The Levy funds bush regeneration activities in Council’s high value bushland reserves, including two reserves subject to a Conservation Agreement (Browns Forest and the Ku-ring-gai Flying-Fox Reserve) and reserves containing Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs) and threatened flora and fauna species; ecological burns; fauna monitoring and management; and the dumping and encroachment in bushland program.
Water and catchments
The Levy funds the installation of stormwater harvesting systems, sediment and filter basins, biofilter systems and gross pollutant traps; water quality improvement works; flood mitigation measures; creek stabilisation and scour protection works; water efficiency in buildings; and water quality and macroinvertebrate sampling across Ku-ring-gai.
Sustainable transport and community recreation in natural areas
The Levy funds the creation of cycle ways across Ku-ring-gai; the provision of infrastructure for recreational pursuits (such as Jubes Mountain Bike Park); and the construction and/or maintenance of walking tracks.
Community engagement
The Levy funds our Water Smart, Energy Smart, Smart Units, Smart Homes, Smart Schools, Compost Revolution, Better Business Partnership, Climate Wise Communities programs; sustainability events calendar; and Environmental Levy grants program, helping to inspire, educate and assist our local community to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and protect our local environment.
Environmental volunteering
The Levy contributes funding to our Bushcare and Streetcare programs, whereby over 640 volunteers dedicate over 12,000 volunteer hours per year at over 150 sites within Ku-ring-gai on bush regeneration activities; and our Wild Things program, which distributes stingless native beehives and assists local residents to convert their unwanted pools into easy-to-maintain ponds rich in biodiversity.
Bushfire management
The Levy funds fire trail construction and maintenance, which aids response capability and suppression efforts both in hazard reduction burning and emergency situations,improving the safety of fire-fighters, the community and land managers.
Cultural and Environmental Education Centre
Planning is underway to find a suitable location within the St Ives precinct for a multi-purpose Cultural and Environmental Education Centre.