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18 October 2024, 05:00 PM
Council is seeking your input on a proposal to construct a roundabout on Bannockburn Road at Coolabah Avenue, Turramurra.
Before Council decides if the proposal should be considered by the Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee for approval, we are seeking feedback from the local community to gauge support.
In recent years Council has received multiple complaints from residents about traffic speeds along Bannockburn Road, between Pentecost Avenue and Bobbin Head Road. This section of Bannockburn Road is relatively long and straight, which can encourage some motorists to drive at excessive speeds.
Traffic counts undertaken in late 2022 have shown that significant numbers of vehicles are travelling at excessive speed along Bannockburn Road.
What’s proposed?
Construct a roundabout on Bannockburn Road at Coolabah Avenue, as shown on the Plan Bannockburn/TDA/13/24(PDF, 210KB).
The roundabout would slow traffic, as it would disrupt through traffic along Bannockburn Road. The roundabout would be fully mountable to cater for buses and garbage collection vehicles. A speed cushion is proposed on the northern approach to slow traffic, as it was not possible to get any deflection angle for southbound traffic. The roundabout would result in the loss of 7-8 onstreet parking spaces at the intersection.
Submit your feedback
Before submitting this proposal to the Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee, we want to hear from impacted residents. Your feedback will guide our decision-making process.
How to respond:
1. Take our brief survey
2. Or send written comments to
Submissions close 5pm Friday 18 October.