Report an issue

Ku-ring-gai Council is committed to maintaining a clean and safe community. To help us care for our community we need your help and feedback.

You can report an issue with us online. These include:

  • Waste or missed bin.
  • Litter and/or dumped waste.
  • Maintenance of local roads and footpaths.
  • Potholes.
  • Abandoned vehicles or illegal parking.
  • A fallen tree or branch on public land.
  • Unauthorised tree works.
  • Inspection of a Council tree.
  • A barking or nuisance dog.
  • A lost or found pet.
  • Overflowing stormwater drains.
  • Blocked drains.
  • Graffiti.

Please note: Attaching images from some mobile devices is currently unavailable. We are working on resolving as soon as possible. If urgent please report your issue at We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Report an issue

Find out more

Abandoned vehicles and illegal parking

To report an abandoned vehicle or illegally parked car lodge a request online

If your matter is urgent, please call 9424 0000

If the car is in a clearway, please phone the RMS on 131 700.

Barking dogs and nuisance animals

The most common pet behaviour problem reported to Council is barking dogs. In 2021 Ku-ring-gai Council received more than 200 reports about barking dogs.

Very few dogs don’t bark at all and Council does not expect dogs to be silent at all times. However, excessive barking can be disruptive especially if you work from home, are a shift worker or trying to get young children to sleep.

I am affected by a barking dog

Ku-ring-gai Council considers ongoing noise for longer than 8 minutes in daylight hours or 4 minutes at night.

What you must do before Council gets involved

If you feel there is a problem with a barking dog the first step is to speak directly with the dog owner. They may be unaware that their dog is barking and the issue may be resolved quickly.

If after speaking with the dog owner the barking does not improve, you can report the issue to Council. You must be able to identify the address of the barking dog before reporting to Council.


  • Council responds after two (or more) reports of nuisance barking are reported.
  • Council contacts dog owner to discuss the problem and possible solutions.
  • Barking dog diaries are sent to affected residents.
  • Barking dog diaries are filled out for a two-week period and returned to Council.
  • Rangers conduct patrols at the most affected times indicated in the diaries.
  • If nuisance barking is established, a Nuisance Dog Order is issued.
  • Continued barking may result in fines being issued to the dog owner.

I am the owner of a barking dog

There are things you can do to stop excessive barking:

  • Ensure that your dog has adequate exercise, is not bored and has play time with you.
  • Make sure that your dog has food, water and shelter if outside.
  • If your dog is barking at people or noises on one side of a fence, move it to another part of the yard.
  • If your dog is barking at people it can see passing by, try blocking its view.
  • If your dog barks at regular disturbances such as children walking to school or rubbish trucks, keep it inside or in an enclosed area at these times.

Citronella collars can also be used as a learning tool to help control barking but this method is not successful for all dogs. Instructions for use should be carefully followed to ensure the collar is used correctly.

Citronella is a natural spray and is not toxic to animals. Citronella collars may be purchased from pet stores or online.

For further advice please read our barking dog brochure(PDF, 744KB).

Other nuisance behaviours

Other pet behaviours can also pose a problem. Click on the links below to learn more:

Other dog nuisance behaviours

Cats nuisance behaviours

Other animal nuisance behaviours

Other help

Graffiti removal

Council owned public property

Residents can report graffiti on Council infrastructure such as playgrounds, community buildings and amenity blocks via our online services portal.

Public property not owned by Council

To report graffiti on public infrastructure that is not owned by Council contact the relevant authorities directly:

Private property

It is the responsibility of owners to remove graffiti from their private property. 

Illegal dumping

Illegal dumping

Illegal dumping occurs in bushland, parks and at kerbside. Unbooked clean-up waste is illegal dumping. Adding waste to someone else’s booked pile is also illegal dumping. In short, illegal dumping is against the law.

Illegal dumping creates an eyesore that reduces community pride and often attracts more illegal dumping. Dumping garden waste, soil, lawn clippings and other organic material also causes serious problem for our natural areas.

Report illegal dumping

Keep an eye out for commercial operators dumping green waste, mulch, soil, building rubble and demolition material in our parks, car parks and bushland. Report any illegal dumping you see. Take note of the time, write down number plates, descriptions of vehicles and the location. Let our waste investigators know by making an online report or calling Council on 9424 0000.

Doing the right thing is easy - book a Council bulky waste clean-up.

Book a Council cleanup

We also operate a whitegoods collection and mobile chipping service. We offer regular free events to dispose of e-waste and hazardous chemicals. Items can also be dropped off at Kimbriki or Suez Transfer Station Ryde.

Before booking a clean-up, have you considered selling or sharing your unwanted items via eBay, Gumtree, Freecycle or Ziilch.

Charity organisations such as The Bower Reuse and Repair Centre collect, repair and sell preloved goods.

Our commitment to reduce litter

Ku-ring-gai residents value a clean, green environment around them. Litter makes an area look dirty and uncared for, damages our natural environment and harms our marine and wildlife. Cleaning up litter costs our ratepayers.

Littering is against the law. You must use a waste bin to dispose of your litter and if there is no waste bin available, you must keep your rubbish until you find a bin.  Fines apply for littering.

Using NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More funding from the waste levy, Council has conducted litter assessments across Ku-ring-gai's centres. Results have been mixed, with a few centres rated as highly littered. Cigarette butts, takeaway containers and plastic drink bottle containers are the main litter items.

In response to these results, Council has prioritised litter prevention and committed to meeting the State Government target of 40% litter reduction by 2021.

The Council has introduced the Litter Free Ku-ring-gai Program, installing new bins and mall seats in centres, removing litter and improving landscaping. Between 2014 and 2018 the program has delivered a significant reduction in litter.  We have exceeded the Premier’s target of 40% with an average of 90% reduction in litter across all sites.

Your personal responsibility

Make a commitment to a zero tolerance of litter.  Put litter in a rubbish bin or take it with you. Put cigarettes out and put them in the bin. Keep a bag in your car to collect rubbish and put it in your waste bin when you get home.

If you see someone litter from their vehicle report them at NSW EPA's website.

Fines apply from $250. Since 2015, 669 littering reports have been made which has resulted in 465 penalty notices being issued.

Things to remember when reporting:

  • Time, date, location – street, suburb and closest cross street.
  • Number plate and vehicle details – make, model, colour.
  • Litter type – cigarette (lit or unlit), food wrapper, drink bottle etc.
  • Litter deposited – whether it was thrown, dropped, blown or placed.
  • Offender details – gender, age, hair colour and any other features you notice.

Remember – your health and safety is most important so don’t use your mobile phone while driving.

Illegal tree removal

It is illegal to work on trees without Council's approval.  

If you believe a tree has been illegally pruned, removed, poisoned or vandalised, you can report this to Council.

Learn more on how to report illegal tree removal

Lost and found pets

If you have found a dog, firstly check whether it has a dog tag with the owners number or address. If the owner cannot be found please contact Council on 02 9424 0000 and a Council officer will attend to scan the dog for a microchip and either return to the owner or take it to the pound. If you find a dog after-hours you can take it to the Ku-ring-gai pound or a local vet may accept the dog until a Council Officer can collect it.

If you have found a cat, firstly make all attempts to reunite the cat with its owners (ie. ask your neighbours, check for a collar/tag, the cat may also return home on its own). If an owner cannot be found and you believe the cat is lost you can drop the cat to Ku-ring-gai pound or a local vet may accept it to scan for a microchip. Council Officers will only pick up cats in exceptional circumstances.

If you have found any other type of animal (eg. bird, rabbit, etc) please contact RSPCA NSW, AWL NSW or local vets as they may be able to accept the animal to search for the owner or may rehome the animal after a certain period of time.

If you have lost your pet please notify Council by lodging an online request. A Council Officer will contact you to update your contact details and flag the animal as "missing" on the NSW Companion Animal Register. You may also wish to contact the local vets, pounds and neighbours.

Report a lost or found pet


Missed garbage bin or waste collection

Did you miss a waste collection? Or did we miss your bin?

If Council missed your bin we will return to empty it.

To arrange a collection please visit Council's eServices' website (below) and complete an online form to advise us. If you didn't have your bins out on time we can arrange an additional collection of general waste only for a small fee. 

Council is unable to provide additional services for recycling or greenwaste where residents didn't have their bins out on time.

*IMPORTANT: Please ensure your bin remains kerbside (even overnight) and allow two business days for collection or repair to occur.

Missed collection for houses

Missed collection for apartments


Neighbourhood noise

Barking dogs, air conditioners, pool pumps and intruder alarms are some examples of the noise that can disturb you or your neighbours. Council, Police and other government agencies share responsibility for regulating noise pollution. If a source of noise is a problem for you there are several things you can do.

Where to get help

Before taking formal steps to complain about noise you should attempt to contact your neighbour to discuss the problem and try to work out an appropriate solution. Be tactful when bringing the complaint to their notice as they might not realise there is a problem. You may wish to consider carefully what impact contacting authorities about noise will have on your future relationship with your neighbour and the potential benefits of coming to an agreement where possible.

It can be hard to approach people with issues relating to noise. You’ll find a lot of valuable information on dealing with neighbourhood noise on the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) website. There is information to help you regarding neighbourhood noise, barking dogs, intruder alarms as well as noise from vehicles. 

If the noise pollution is of a nature that Council or other government agencies can't assist with, the NSW Government's Community Justice Centres may be of help. These centres provide free, confidential mediation and conflict management. 

Other types of noise that government agencies may be able to assist with are:

If you have tried and can’t resolve a noise problem directly with your neighbour, contact us.

What times are residential noise restrictions in place?

There are time restrictions in New South Wales where some equipment on residential premises should not be heard inside a habitable room of a neighbour’s home. The Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017 sets out these time restrictions. 

Noise source from residential premises

Time restrictions when noise should not be heard in a habitable room in a neighbour’s residence

Power tools such as:

Power tools and equipment (powered garden tools - eg. lawn mowers and leaf blowers; electric or pneumatic tools, chainsaws, circular saws, gas or air compressors)


Monday to Friday: 8pm to 7am

Saturday, Sunday or Public Holidays: 8pm to 8am

Swimming pool and spa pumps Monday to Friday: 8pm to 7am

Saturday, Sunday or Public Holidays: 8pm to 8am

Musical instruments
Sound equipment

Monday to Thursday and Sunday: 10pm to 8am

Friday, Saturday or any day preceding a public holiday:
midnight to 8am

Heat pump water heaters

Monday to Friday: 10pm to 7am

Weekends or public holidays: 10pm to 8am

Motor vehicles (except when entering or leaving residence)

Weekends and public holidays: 8pm to 8am

Any other day: 8pm to 7am

Refrigeration unit fitted to motor vehicles

Monday to Friday: 8pm to 7am

Weekends or public holidays: 8pm to 8am

Information and tips to reduce noise 

Air conditioning

When installing a new air conditioning system you should consider the location where the equipment will be placed on your property and where possible find a position that is not close to any of your neighbours bedroom or living room windows. If you do place the air conditioning unit along the side of the house where there are neighbours windows you may need to install an enclosure around it to reduce noise. As a general guide, the background noise levels at night in residential Ku-ring-gai are very quiet and between 30 - 40dB(A). Before purchasing an air conditioner you should check the manufacturers noise output specifications for the outdoor condenser unit to select the quietest unit that you can. You may wish to engage an acoustic consultant to aid in your selection of a suitable air conditioning unit and to find the best position for your outdoor condenser on your property to minimise noise.

Before installing a new air-conditioner, check the proposed location and operation will comply with the requirements of the development standards for air conditioning units as per the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.


Pool pumps

When installing a new swimming pool pump you should consider the location where the equipment will be placed on your property and where possible find a position that is not close to any of your neighbours bedroom or living room windows. If you do place the pool pump along the side of the house where there are neighbours windows you may need to install an enclosure around it to reduce noise. Enclosures around pool pumps should be maintained and repaired or replaced if they become deteriorated.

If you have a new swimming pools being installed under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 the pump must be housed in an enclosure that is soundproofed.


Intruder alarms

If you suspect theft is the cause of the sounding alarm contact your local police

If you have an intruder alarm on your house make sure that you maintain it. Intruder alarms on buildings should not sound for more than 5 mins if installed on or after 1 December 1997 or 10 mins if installed before 1 December 1997. Further information about managing noise from intruder alarms can be found on the EPA website.

If the intruder alarm continues to sound and is unattended to, contact us.


If you’re disturbed by excessive noise or anti-social behaviour from a party late at night, contact your local police.

If you're planning a party, it’s a good idea to notify your neighbours in advance and give them your contact details. Make sure your speakers are not facing towards the neighbours’ home and if possible turn down the bass. If your party goes into the late evening, turn the music down, close windows and doors and move sound equipment and guests inside your house.


Barking dogs

Barking is one way dogs communicate but excessive barking can disturb neighbours and cause annoyance. The first step you should take is to speak directly with the dog owner. They may be unaware that their dog is barking and will often be happy to work with you to solve the problem. The Environment Protection Authority has information about actions to take to make life better for dogs, dog owners and neighbours.

If after speaking with the dog owner the barking does not reduce please complete the online form or call 9424 0000. Please provide as much information as possible including address of the dog, description of the dog, how long it has been happening, when you spoke with the dog owners, when the dog is barking and potential causes of the barking.  You might be asked to keep a diary of when the noise occurs to substantiate the complaint.

If you suspect a dog is being mistreated, contact an RSPCA inspector on (02) 9770 7555 or 1300 278 3589, or visit the RSPCA website.




If you are concerned that a building site may be operating outside of approved hours, contact us.



We fix potholes on most streets in Ku-ring-gai.

Report a pothole lodge an online request and we will generally fix it within three working days - depending on the size and location of the pothole.

We don't repair private roads, nor the Pacific Highway, Ryde Road and Mona Vale Road, which are managed by Road and Maritime Services - call 131 700.

Shopping trolleys

The issue of abandoned trolleys is a collective responsibility - between Council, local residents, shopping centre managers, shoppers and retailers.

Abandoned shopping trolleys should be reported directly to the appropriate owner of the trolley or their nominated collection service provider. Here are some useful contacts:


Lindfield - 9416 7496

Turramurra - 9449 4582

Harris Farm

St Ives - 9394 3262

Woolworths and IGA or 1800 641 497.


Abandoned shopping trolley policy

We have a created a policy to provide a guide for Council staff, retailers, developers and the community on how to manage shopping trolleys so as to reduce trolley abandonment.

See Council's policy on Abandoned Shopping Trolleys(PDF, 331KB)

Personal shopping trolleys

One great alternative to shopping trolleys is to use a personal shopping trolley bag with wheels, available from many discount variety stores for around $20.

This is very convenient for those who may not have a car and have to carry a lot of groceries home and are good for the environment as you can do away with plastic bags.

They fold down, are lightweight and can carry a full load of groceries.

Street lights

Ausgrid owns and maintains Ku-ring-gai’s energy-efficient street lights on our behalf.

Report a fault

If you spot a faulty street light, report it on the Ausgrid website or call the 24-hour contact centre on 1800 044 808.

Ausgrid has launched a number of map-based online reporting tools to make it easier to alert them to problems such as faulty street lightsgraffiti vandalism on Ausgrid property, trees growing too close to powerlines and power poles in need of inspection.

Faults include:

  • lights that don't come on at night
  • lights that remain on during daylight hours
  • lights repeatedly turning on and off during the night
  • broken lights, e.g. damaged lens
  • other faults with the light or pole

Report a faulty light on Council land

If you spot a faulty light in a park, oval, playground or Council venue, call us on 9424 0000 or email

Additional lighting

If you’d like to suggest a location for additional lights to be installed, please email

Additional lights incur extra charges and you will be asked to make a contribution towards the cost.


Unauthorised tree works and damage

It is illegal to work on trees without Council's approval. 

Trees planted on Council managed land and private property are protected by Council’s Tree & Vegetation Development Control Plans and other legislation.

If you believe a tree has been illegally pruned, removed, poisoned or vandalised, you can report this to Council.