Infrastructure primary rate

Infrastructure – Primary Rate

Infrastructure - Primary Rate plus the Ordinary General Residential and Business Rates together represent the total notional rates income of Council excluding the rates received from the two special rate variations.

The Infrastructure - Primary Rate is used to maintain and renew Infrastructure assets. These include parks, sport fields, roads, footpaths, kerb and gutter, road structures and street furniture, Council buildings and car parks.

This year the total Infrastructure - Primary Rate revenue is approximately $29 million.

The Infrastructure - Primary Rate is broken into two components; a base amount of $319 plus an ad valorem component based on the land value. The purpose of a base amount is to allow a fairer distribution of the rates burden between higher and lower valued properties. It recognises that owners of properties with lower land values, such as units, use Council facilities/infrastructure just as much as owners of properties with higher land values and therefore should be paying similar amounts.

The base amount component raises 50% of the total Infrastructure - Primary Rate with the ad valorem component raising the other 50% of the total Infrastructure - Primary Rate - you can see them as two separate lines on your bill.