New life for Pymble landmark

Published on 20 March 2025

Ku-ring-gai Town Hall FR-104.jpg

One of Ku-ring-gai’s local historic landmarks is available for community hire following a major external upgrade.

During 2024 the Ku-ring-gai Town Hall – which began life as a Spanish Mission-style Roman Catholic church in 1934 – was closed for renovations.

The former church was purchased by Council in 1989. It is located in a prominent position on the Pacific Highway at Pymble.

Works undertaken included upgrades to the building's roof, improvements to drainage systems, painting of both the interior and exterior, a renovated kitchen and refurbishment of key architectural features.

With these improvements now complete, the hall is available for hire by the community. It is a versatile space suitable for celebrations, performances, exhibitions and recreational activities.

The Town Hall is used by several regular hirers, including the Ku-ring-gai Philharmonic Orchestra, the Ku-ring-gai Youth Orchestra and the Ku-ring-gai Dojo martial arts group.

Ku-ring-gai Mayor Christine Kay said that the renovation works carefully considered the building’s heritage status.

“The works included using a traditional paint colour scheme to showcase the building’s period and style, along with repairing the roof and undertaking like-for-like replacement of the distinctive Spanish Mission roof tiles,” Mayor Kay said.

“The original external paint has also been carefully removed and the exteriors repainted with breathable paint to allow the walls to dry out.”

As part of the works, a 646kg bell and its support structure were cleaned and restored after being rediscovered in the previously inaccessible bell tower. Research confirmed the bell was manufactured in England in 1937.

The works have been guided by advice from Council’s Heritage Reference Committee and heritage specialists.



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