Road surfacing, patching and associated works tender
The Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC) comprises of eight councils in Northern Sydney who have voluntarily come together to address regional issues, work co-operatively for the benefit of councils and the region and advocate on agreed regional positions and priorities.
This Tender is issued on behalf of all eight member councils. They are Hunter's Hill Council, Hornsby Shire Council, Ku-ring-gai Council, Lane Cove Council, Mosman Council, North Sydney Council, Council of the City of Ryde and Willoughby City Council.
NSROC is seeking tenders from qualified and experienced companies for the road surfacing, patching and associated works tender for period from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2027.
RFT Documents available for download here once registration is complete. Registration for and access to RFT documents can be made to Alok Ralhan at or by mobile 0412 800 815.
Canvassing support: A Tenderer shall not directly, or indirectly, canvass support from an elected member, employee or Council at any time. Any Tenderer involved in such activity will have their Tender rejected.
Submission: Completed responses can be submitted via the electronic tender box (preferred) using the attached word version of the Schedule. Respondents will receive a successful submission, receipt timed and dated upon completion. Furthermore, hard copy submission can also be placed in a sealed envelope and endorsed with the Tender title, number and closing details.
Tenders submitted in hard copy can be deposited in the tender box located in the foyer of Lane Cove Council Ground Floor, Civic Centre, 48 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066.
Should any assistance be required, please use the online manual on the portal under the support/online manuals/making a submission or alternatively, you can contact Tenderlink Customer Support on 1800 233 533, or email
The closing date and time for submissions is Friday 14 February at 2pm.