Bushfire management plan on public exhibition

Published on 16 May 2023


A new plan to manage bushfire risk in Ku-ring-gai and Hornsby is on public exhibition for comment until 30 June.

The plan has been prepared by the Rural Fire Service in consultation with Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Councils and other stakeholders.

The draft plan maps the level of bushfire risk across Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai over the next five years and proposed actions to minimise and manage the risk.

It identifies which agencies are involved in managing bushfire incidents and what homeowners can do to prepare their family and property.

The plan is on public exhibition for comment until Friday 30 June. Residents can complete a short survey on the plan or send their comments to the Rural Fire Service by the closing date.

The plan can be viewed on the RFS website or a printed copy is available at Ku-ring-gai Council’s customer service centre at 818 Pacific Highway Gordon.

Mayor Jeff Pettett said the new plan included detailed actions on minimising bushfire risk, such as creating firebreaks and targeted hazard reduction burns.

“It’s important that people living in bushfire prone areas are prepared and know what to do in the event of an emergency.”

“The RFS website is a great resource to help you put together a plan.”

The Mayor added that the Council would host a number of community workshops in the months leading up to the bushfire season to help residents prepare a plan and understand the risks. Visit krg.nsw.gov.au/extremeweather for details.


Media enquiries: Sally Williams Ku-ring-gai Council 9424 0000.

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