Brain health summit for sporting groups and schools

Published on 10 June 2024


Ku-ring-gai Council will co-host the summit next month, focussing on the impacts of and treatments for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

The summit will bring together a panel of experts plus an ex-professional rugby player with lived experience of CTE.

The summit is aimed at sporting groups and schools and will be held on 24 July at Hornsby RSL between 5pm and 9pm. It is being jointly organised by Ku-ring-gai Council, Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre, the Ku-ring-gai Dementia Alliance and funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

Speakers include:

  • Renowned neurologist Dr. Rowena Mobbs with an overview of the future of CTE, emerging treatments and preventative measures.
  • Author and law lecturer David Thorpe discussing the legal challenges and responsibilities that sporting organisations face regarding CTE.
  • Michael Lipman an ex-international rugby union player and author of “Concussion” sharing his personal experience of CTE.
  • Dementia expert Dr. Suraj Samtani discussing dementia symptoms and strategies for living well with early onset dementia.

After presentations by the guest speakers, there will be a panel discussion and the opportunity to ask questions with Dr Mobbs, Michael Lipman and Kayleen Doyle from the CTE support group ConneCTErs Australia.

Mayor Sam Ngai said the summit was essential for those administering professional and amateur contact sports.

“We are learning so much more about the impacts of concussion, particularly on young people. This summit brings together some of the best experts in the field with the latest evidence-based strategies to manage CTE”.


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