Access to information - Forms Formal access to information(PDF, 1MB)Online informal access to information formPolitical donations and gifts disclosure statement(PDF, 35KB)Search of Records Operations Department Application Form(PDF, 138KB)Accessing building information certificates (unauthorised works) online(PDF, 649KB)
Animals - Forms Dangerous or barking dogDeceased pet notificationLost and found petsPet change of address form(PDF, 271KB)Pet change of owner form(PDF, 143KB)Online pet registration
Arts and events - Forms Add event to Council websiteBusking application(PDF, 228KB)Filming application(PDF, 181KB)Ku-ring-gai Art Centre enrolment form(PDF, 323KB)Street stalls - non commercial(PDF, 226KB)Temporary roadside closure or special event
Building and development - Forms Application for inspection of swimming pool barrierApplication for a building information 10.7 certificate (formerly known as 149D building certificate) ** Information sheet for application for building information certificate(PDF, 178KB)Notice of commencement of building Works(PDF, 818KB)Bushfire risk assessment certificate(PDF, 150KB)Lodge a certificate application onlineOwner consent form(PDF, 204KB)Development application checklist(PDF, 174KB)Development application valuation of Works Estimate Sheet(PDF, 220KB)Development application guide(PDF, 4MB)Out of hours work application – standard 7 days noticeOut of hours work application - urgent 3 days noticeDA assessment process fact sheet(PDF, 346KB)Demolition, construction and use of premises waste management plan(PDF, 530KB)Request for driveway levelsExtension of term of development consent(PDF, 82KB)Dividing fencing proposal* Information sheet out of hours work(PDF, 350KB)Planning proposalsPre complying development consultation information sheet(PDF, 245KB)Pre complying development consultation service (online application)Agreement for the performance of certification work(PDF, 330KB)Plan of subdivision lodgement(PDF, 107KB)Private use of road reserve and nature strips online application ** Private use of road reserve and nature strips Policy(PDF, 275KB)Application for change of property owner address(PDF, 31KB)Review of DA modification determination Section 4.54(PDF, 564KB)Review of DA modification determination Section 96AB(PDF, 264KB)Road opening permitSwimming Pool Register NSW registration form for public use(PDF, 199KB)Application to install manufactured home, moveable dwelling or associated structure and temporary structure(PDF, 70KB)Works zone application(PDF, 169KB)Surrender of DA consent(PDF, 96KB)
Business - Forms Application to engage in a trade or business on community landApplication to display goods on the footpath or under an awningOutdoor dining application ** Please read the information sheets for application for outdoor dining permit before lodging(PDF, 265KB)Application for mobile food vendors
Local Government Act 1993-S68 - Forms Amusement rides and devices(PDF, 587KB)Application for mobile food vendorsApplication for permanent placement of waste/recycling container in public place(PDF, 98KB)Application for placement of skip bin in public place(PDF, 581KB)Application to place clothing bin in a public place(PDF, 70KB)Application for tower cranes to swing or hoist across Council property(PDF, 314KB)Application to hoist or pump material across footpath or public road(PDF, 101KB)Application to display goods on the footpath or under an awningApplication to enage in a trade or business on community landApplication to erect barricade or hoarding on footpath - standard (please note application fee only charged on lodgement, additional charges will follow after reviewApplication to erect barricade or hoarding on footpath - urgent (please not application fee only charged on lodgement, additional charges will follow after review (within 48 hours)Application to operate a loudspeaker / amplification device(PDF, 581KB)Application for outdoor dining on the footpathPublic car park(PDF, 241KB)Place of public entertainment(PDF, 125KB)Install manufactured home, moveable dwelling or associated structure and temporary structure(PDF, 70KB)Busking application(PDF, 228KB)Application to store material on footpath(PDF, 572KB)Application for waste treatment device or storage facility - install, construct or alter(PDF, 288KB)Application for operation of a sewer management system(PDF, 153KB)Application to modify a Section 68 consent(PDF, 70KB)Application for extension of a Section 68 consent(PDF, 67KB)Application for review of a Section 68 consent(PDF, 69KB)
Other - Forms Pesticide use notification plan for outdoor public places(PDF, 447KB)Register for a Welcome BasketUpdate contact detailsPublic liability claim(PDF, 214KB)Application for telecommunication infrastructure on Council land(PDF, 312KB)Temporary access over community land application(PDF, 182KB)
Rates and payments - Forms Credit card payment form(PDF, 214KB)Direct debit request form(PDF, 220KB)Apply for a 603 Certificate (outstanding rates) onlineChange of mailing address for Rates
Roads and footpaths - Forms Construction of gutter crossings and footpath crossings - specification(PDF, 802KB)Request for driveway levelsInformation sheet for hoardings or barricades on footpath(PDF, 148KB)Easement application form - attachment 1 to Easement Management Policy(PDF, 689KB)Application to erect barricade or hoarding on footpath - standard - please note application fee only charged on lodgement. Additional charges will follow after reviewApplication to erect barricade or hoarding on footpath - urgent - please note application fee only charged on lodgement, additional charges will follow after review (within 48 hours)Application to hoist or pump material across footpath or public road(PDF, 101KB)Application for outdoor dining on footpathApplication to display goods on the footpath or under an awningReport abandoned vehicle or illegal parkingReport blocked drainReport potholeReport faulty street lightRoad closure and sale procedure for applicants(PDF, 138KB)Road opening permitApplication to store material on footpath(PDF, 572KB)Temporary access over community land application(PDF, 182KB)Temporary road closureWorks zone application(PDF, 169KB)
Sports and recreation - Forms Book a venueCasual fee waiver form(PDF, 148KB)Notification to Take and Consume Alcohol(PDF, 41KB)
Waste and recycling - Forms Book cleanup onlineHouses additional green waste bin(PDF, 3MB)Houses larger 240L waste bin(PDF, 798KB)Houses request to downsize from 240L to 120L(PDF, 799KB)Houses additional recycling bin(PDF, 2MB)Home units green waste bin(PDF, 1MB)Home units additional 240L waste bin(PDF, 760KB)Home units additional 660L waste bin(PDF, 1MB)Home units additional 240L recycling bin(PDF, 1MB)Home units additional 660L recycling bin(PDF, 2MB)Non residential green waste bin(PDF, 2MB)Trade Waste and Recycling Service Agreement(PDF, 1MB)Trade Waste and Trade Recycling Service Adjustment(PDF, 1MB)Trade Waste and Trade Recycling Service cancellation(PDF, 692KB)Report missed garbage collection housesReport missed garbage collection apartments