Public Forum webcast

Council is committed to open, accessible and transparent government and our monthly public forums are webcast and published here on our website.

For assistance viewing the video, please read our FAQs below.

Enquiries: Manager Governance and Corporate Strategy or 9424 0000.

Public Forum Tuesday 11 March

View previous meeting recordings

Terms of webcasting

  • The camera is positioned on the Mayor, Councillors and Council staff. Only members of the public who have registered to speak at the public forum will be shown on camera.
  • The webcasting of the public forum is available to the public for a period of four years following the meeting.
  • Ku-ring-gai Council does not accept liability for any defamatory remarks or inappropriate comments that are made during the course of a meeting.
  • Recordings of public forums are copyright protected and cannot be reused or reproduced without approval from Council. 
  • The material shall not be used to misrepresent, ridicule or cause detriment to another person or for the purposes of satire or advertising.

Webcasting troubleshooting FAQs

My video is not playing 

Here are some solutions if your recording is not playing:

  • Check the recording has not been paused. This sometimes can happen if you click on the video or maximise the size of the screen. Press play and wait up to two minutes to see if the video recommences.
  • Check you have a functioning internet connection.
  • Turn your device off and back on to see if the issue resolves itself.
  • Check that your internet connection is not being filtered by a security device such as a firewall or proxy. Go into your security settings to check this.

I can only see an image and no video

Please note that there will be a placeholder image over the video (image of the Council Chambers meeting room) which is only removed once the public forum starts at 6pm.

What do I need to view the videos?

You need a laptop, PC or smart phone with an internet connection and speakers.

What connection speed is required to watch the videos?

2-3 Mbps bandwidth is required to stream this video at a reasonable quality.

How soon after a public forum will the video be available to watch?

In most cases the video is available to watch one day after the public forum has concluded. This video is made available on the Council website and on Ku-ring-gai Council's YouTube channel.