Council Meetings and Public Forums

Council Meetings

Council Meetings are held in Council Chambers, commencing 7pm, in accordance with the relevant COVID-safe practices. You can also view Council meetings on our live stream page

If you are attending in person you will need to access the building via the rear entry on Radford Place and proceed to Level 3.

2024 Council Meeting dates

  • Tuesday 23 January - Extraordinary Meeting of Council. Please note the earlier start time of 6pm.
  • Monday 5 February - Extraordinary Meeting of Council. Please note the start time of 7pm.
  • Tuesday 20 February - Including adjourned items from 12 December 2023 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
  • Thursday 19 March
  • Monday 25 March - Extraordinary Meeting of Council. Please note the earlier start time of 6pm.
  • Tuesday 16 April
  • Wednesday 1 May - Extraordinary Meeting of Council. Please note the start time of 6pm.
  • Wednesday 8 May - Extraordinary Meeting of Council. Please note the start time of 6pm.
  • Tuesday 21 May
  • Tuesday 4 June - Extraordinary Meeting of Council. Please note start time of 7pm.
  • Tuesday 18 June
  • Tuesday 16 July
  • Tuesday 13 August
  • Tuesday 22 October
  • Tuesday 26 November
  • Tuesday 17 December

Live stream

Monthly Council meetings are streamed live on our website.

View the live stream 
View live stream recordings for past meetings

Minutes and agendas

Find out what decisions were made at our Council meetings and public forum:

View current agendas, minutes and reports (Business Papers) 2011 to present
View archived minutes and agendas 2004-2010

Public Forums

Public forums generally commence at 6pm. Public Forums will be held in Council Chambers in accordance with the relevant COVID-safe practices.

Applications to address the Public Forum in either writing or in person will be accepted up until 5pm the business day prior to the Public Forum in accordance with our Code of Meeting Practice.

If you are attending in person you will need to access the building via the rear entry on Radford Place and proceed to Level 3.

Please note: For all future Public Forums, community members wishing to address Council must do so in person at Council Chambers. The option to speak online via zoom is no longer available.

Public Forum dates

Public forums commence at 6pm.

  • Tuesday 13 February
  • Tuesday 12 March
  • Tuesday 9 April
  • Tuesday 14 May
  • Tuesday 11 June
  • Tuesday 9 July
  • Tuesday 6 August
  • Tuesday 15 October
  • Tuesday 12 November
  • Tuesday 10 December 

Registrations closed

Registrations to speak at the Public Forum on Tuesday 11 June are now closed.


For queries, or if any issues arise please contact Manager Governance and Corporate Strategy at or on 9424 0000.