Council committees

Council committees are guided by the Council Advisory and Reference Committee Guidelines.(PDF, 861KB)

Current reference and advisory committees:

  • Arts and Culture Advisory Committee.
  • Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.
  • Environment Advisory Committee.
  • Flood Risk Management Committee.
  • Heritage Reference Committee.
  • Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee.
  • Major Projects Advisory Committee.
  • Multicultural Advisory Committee.
  • Smart Transport Advisory Committee.
  • Women's Advisory Committee.

About the Committees

Arts and Culture Advisory Committee

The Arts and Culture Advisory Committee contributes to the development and enhancement of a strong, recognisable profile for arts, music, culture and innovation that reflects the local identity, diversity and values of the community.

The Committee plays a crucial role in promoting social inclusion, ensuring accessibility and representing diverse voices within the community. It also supports local talent assist to showcase local artists, identification of grant programs and contributing to the growth of a vibrant local arts scene. It includes community members from a range of arts and cultural groups.

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Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

The Audit Risk & Improvement Committee (ARIC) provides independent assurance and assistance to Council on risk management, control, governance and external accountability responsibilities.

The ARIC also provides provide relevant advice to ensure that there is an adequate and effective system of internal control throughout Council and to assist in the operation and implementation of the Internal and External Audit Plans.

View the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 366KB)

View ARIC disclosures of interest(PDF, 4MB)

Environment Advisory Committee

The Environment Advisory Committee is established to provide strategic advice and feedback to Ku-ring-gai Council on the preservation, management, enhancement and recreational use of Ku-ring-gai’s natural environment. The Committee’s focus is to guide Council on ensuring ecological sustainability, promoting biodiversity and fostering community engagement in the care of environmental areas. It includes Councillors, National Parks and Wildlife Service staff and community representatives with expertise in environmental management, biodiversity conservation, urban forestry, sustainable recreation, or related fields.

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Flood Risk Management Committee

The Flood Risk Management Committee is established under the NSW Government’s Flood Prone Land Policy and has an advisory role to Council.

The Committee acts as a forum for discussing technical, social, economic and environmental matters relating to flood risk management. It includes Councillors, residents and representatives from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, NSW State Emergency Services, Sydney Water and other ex officio members (as required).

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Heritage Reference Committee

The Heritage Reference Committee provides support to Council in identifying and managing Ku-ring-gai’s cultural heritage.

The Committee provides advice to Council on heritage matters, promotes an understanding and appreciation of heritage through specific activities and events and makes recommendations to Council on the allocation of annual heritage homes grant funding to applicants. It includes Councillors, community representatives and representatives from the National Trust Australia, Australian Institute of Architects and the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society.

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Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee

The Ku-ring-gai Traffic Committee is a technical body established under delegation of Transport for NSW. It considers and advises Council on technical traffic related control and matters. It includes representatives of Council, NSW Police, Transport for NSW and the local Members of State Parliament.

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Major Projects Advisory Committee

The Major Projects Advisory Committee aims to strengthen governance and decision-making concerning major projects and provide independent advice to Council in relation to property development, land acquisition and disposal activities.

Its main role is to provide support to Council decision-making for major projects (projects valued over $5 million) and to oversee governance of project delivery.

Multicultural Advisory Committee

The Multicultural Advisory Committee provides an advocacy role and assists in providing input for Council’s plans, strategies and services to multicultural communities, contribute and provide feedback on multicultural events and assist in developing partnerships and improving equity across multicultural communities.

It includes Councillors and representatives of the various multicultural communities.

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Smart Transport Advisory Committee

The Smart Transport Advisory Committee is established to provide guidance on the implementation of a sustainable transportation hierarchy that enhances the health, wellbeing and liveability of the Ku-ring-gai community while contributing to Council’s net zero emissions target. The Committee’s focus will include guiding Council on walking and cycling infrastructure, encouraging greater use of public transport, expanding access to car-sharing services as a sustainable alternative to car ownership and supporting the shift to electric vehicles. It includes Councillors, representatives from active transport advocacy groups and community representatives with expertise or interest in sustainable transport, climate policy, or urban planning or related fields.

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Women's Advisory Committee

The primary role of the Women's Advisory Committee is to provide advice, advocate and raise awareness of issues that impact women in the Ku-ring-gai community.

It will identify and participate in projects, activities and opportunities that promote the inclusion of women in the community. It includes members of the community representing women’s organisations and issues.

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Please contact Manager Governance and Corporate Strategy via or 9424 0000.