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Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Youth Network
Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Youth Network (HKYN) is made up of youth and community services that work with and provide services to young people in the Hornsby and/or Ku-ring-gai local government areas.
This youth network...
- Provides opportunities to develop partnerships.
- Shares information and resources.
- Supports professional development.
- Encourages the improvement of service provision, networking, cooperation, coordination and integration of youth projects.
- Provides programs that respond to the needs and interests of young people.
- Provides advocacy with or on behalf of young people.
HKYN members...
- Meet on a monthly basis to share information and to identify issues affecting young people, their families and service providers.
- Encourage local agencies or authorities to address issues of concern facing young people and their families.
- Develop programs and partnerships and advocacy/lobbying tools to respond to young people’s needs.
- Work in collaboration, if need arises to attract funding or to respond to the needs of young people.
- Identify service gaps, maximise resource sharing and minimise service duplication.
Who participates?
HKYN works with service providers which include:
- Government – councils, police, health, education and community, juvenile justice and family and community services.
- Non-government - migrant and youth services.
- Faith based services - Christian church groups, non-Christian groups, organisations and youth related services.
Email Lily Giles or call 02 9424 0837.
Organisations and Services for young people