Waste and recycling school activities

Ku-ring-gai schools have access to a wide range of face to face and online educational resources on waste and recycling.

School workshops

Each year Council provides a number of workshops to schools on specific waste topics such as recycling, smart shopping, composting and worm farming. The workshops are offered via email at the start of each school year. Workshop numbers are limited so workshop days will be allocated on a first come basis. If the number of schools requesting workshops exceeds the spots available, then priority will be given to schools who didn't receive the workshops in the previous year. 

Veolia's The Recoverables(PDF, 2MB) program is being offered to Ku-ring-gai Schools.

Register your school

School activities

Uniform landfill diversion program

Council offers a collection program for unwearable and unusable school uniforms from primary and high schools.
The aim of the program is to reduce textile waste being sent to landfill. Collection occurs four times per year at the end of each school term. 

Return and Earn support

Council offers support for schools (primary & secondary) to participate in the Return and Earn recycling program. Council will provide a 240L yellow bin for the storage of collected bottles and cans. Schools can then return the eligible containers for a 10 cent refund which can contribute to the School’s fund raising efforts.

Register your school

Online education

Future Resourcers

Is a free six-week online program which delivers waste education to participating schools across Australia.

Using the principles of Education for Sustainability (EfS), the program provides education to primary and secondary school students in a fun, engaging and informative way.

This program challenges students to develop a creative and innovative solution, known as ‘The Pitch’, with a focus on waste. Schools present their solutions and compete against other schools across the country for the ultimate title of Future Resourcers winner!

Cool Australia

Visy's education program in partnership with Cool Australia provides effective, curriculum based lesson plans. The lessons provide a consistent message on the best ways to recycle, while demystifying what material can and cannot be collected from homes and what happens to the recovered waste materials.

Over 32 teaching and learning resources have been developed on topics including resource recovery, recycling right at home and school, recycling contamination and how individual efforts can contribute to the local circular economy of recyclables. 

The curriculum based resources are available for teachers and educators across early learning, primary and secondary schools.

For more information Visy Recycling Education and Visy Program of Free Lessons.

Childcare centres & preschools

Cool Planet is conducting free waste assessments, education sessions and resources to childcare centres and preschools. This program is available until end of 2025. Contact Cool Planet directly to get started.

Cool Planet(PDF, 375KB)