Plastic Free July

Waste Plastic Free July

Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics? 

Together, we can all do our part to help end plastic waste and alleviate the soft plastic recycling crisis, reduce landfill waste and mitigate the effects of climate change. 

The Plastic Free July challenge provides resources and ideas to help participants (millions around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work, school and in the community. 

Take The Pesky Plastics Quiz

Ready to join the Ku-ring-gai community in taking the Plastic Free July challenge?

It can be as easy as picking one single-use plastic item to avoid or swap for a reusable alternative. 

Many people choose to avoid the top 4 single-use plastics:

  • Take-away coffee cups.
  • Plastic shopping bags.
  • Plastic straws.
  • Water bottles. 

The Plastic Free July challenge

Plastic Free campaigns & activities

What others are doing