Bins and collection days

Collection schedule 


Your general waste and green waste bin is collected weekly; recycling bins are fortnightly (both bins on the same day).


  • General waste is collected once a week.
  • Paper and mixed recycling is collected weekly.
  • Green waste bins are an optional service for units and apartments. Green waste bins are charged separately to the waste management charge on the property rates. To order a green waste bin for your apartments complete the Home Units Green Waste Bin form(PDF, 1MB) (must be completed by the Executive Committee or Managing Agent).

 Find your collection dates using address

Or alternatively print a copy of your calendar. Follow these steps.

  1. Look up your street: Waste Collection Zones By Streets(PDF, 83KB). If your street is not shown, contact
  2. Note whether your street is a 1. or 2. zone. If your street runs over both zones check additional information.
  3. Choose appropriate 1. or 2. zone calendar. 

1 - Waste Calendar 2024-2025(PDF, 2MB)

2 - Waste Calendar 2024-2025(PDF, 2MB)

Collection tips

Make sure your bins are collected quickly and safely by following these simple tips:

  • Put your bins out the night before collection day.
  • Bin handles must face your house so lids open to the street.
  • Place bins half a metre apart.
  • Make sure lids are closed.
  • Do not put extra waste or recycling next to or on top of bins.
  • Do not place bins close to trees or cars or under low-hanging cables.
  • Do not store your bins permanently on the nature strip.
  • A weight restriction of 100kgs applies to all bins.
  • Dispose of chemicals safely at a Chemical CleanOut.
  • Dispose of needles and syringes safely at pharmacies.

Request a bin, repair or missed service 

Click any of the below to find out more about services for houses and apartments and to make a request. 


Request a larger bin or more bins by completing the relevant form below. Requests for additional bins must be signed by the property owner or real estate agent on the owner’s behalf.

Bin repairs or stolen bins

If your bins have been damaged or stolen, fill in the Damaged/Repair/Stolen Bin form for replacement or repair.

Ensure your bin remains kerb-side (even overnight) and allow two business days for collection or repair to occur.

Moving house

When you move into an existing property you should find bins at your home. Bins should never be taken from any property. They belong to that address. The Residents do not own the bins and they should not be moved. You inherit the services arranged for that property from the previous owners. Please check your bins and your waste charges on your rates. Should your waste needs differ from the previous owners please contact Council. It is not possible to issue retrospective credits for bins or services. 

New homes

If you do not have bins already onsite please contact Please note: you will need to supply a copy of your occupation certificate.

Request larger general waste bin (grey with red lid)

You can apply to increase your bin size from 120L to 240L.

Before you apply, have a think about whether you really need one. Can you reduce your waste? There are simple things you can do, such as recycling more or buying products that use less packaging, which can save space.

Houses 240L Waste Bin form(PDF, 798KB)

Request second green waste bin (green)

Houses Additional Green Waste Bin form(PDF, 3MB)

Cancel additional green waste bins (green)

Online Form Request to cancel additional green bin/s

Cancel larger waste bin (grey with red lid)

Request To Downsize Houses Waste Bin 240L to 120L(PDF, 799KB)

Online Form Request To Downsize Houses Waste Bin 240L to 120L

Need more recycling bins (blue and yellow lids)

Houses Additional Recycling Bin form(PDF, 2MB)

Additional recycling bins are not available to home businesses or dual occupancies.

Make a missed waste or bin repair request


Bins are supplied to units on a shared basis. Each unit is entitled to 120L of waste capacity and 120L of paper and mixed recycling capacity. The bin numbers and size of bins provided is based on the above entitlements per unit occupancy and the total number of units per property.

Contact us if you require more bins and we can check your bin entitlement.

Green waste bins

Green waste bins are available and can be obtained by the strata manager or the owners corporation. To get a green waste bin for your units, complete the Home Units Green Waste Bin form(PDF, 1MB)

Additional waste bins

Additional bins are available and can be obtained by the owners corporation. Complete the form below for the required additional bin/s :

Home Units Additional 240L Waste Bin form(PDF, 760KB)

Home Units Additional 660L Waste Bin form(PDF, 1MB)

Home Units Additional 240L Recycling Bin form(PDF, 1MB)

Home Units Additional 660L Recycling Bin form(PDF, 2MB)

Damaged or stolen bins

If your bins have been damaged or stolen, click here to have them replaced or repaired.

Important: Please ensure your bin remains kerb-side (even overnight) and allow two business days for collection or repair to occur.

Make sure we can access your bins.

Our waste contractor requires unimpeded access to bins. Any security gates or doors will need to be fitted with Council's master key.

It is also important to ensure that clean-up waste is not stored in bin rooms as it can obstruct bins, preventing them from being safely collected.

Make a missed waste or bin repair request


Trade Waste

To start a new trade waste service complete the Trade Waste & Trade Recycling Service Agreement form(PDF, 1MB)

To adjust an existing trade waste service complete the Trade Waste Trade & Trade Recycling Service Adjustment form(PDF, 1MB)

To cancel a trade waste service complete the Trade Waste & Trade Recycling Service Cancellation form(PDF, 692KB)

To start a new non-residential green waste bin collection Non-Residential Green Waste Bin form(PDF, 2MB)

If you have a damaged or missing trade waste bin please contact Council on 9424 0000 or Bin repair - commercial property form.