Acids |
Can be delivered to the Chemical Collection. To find out more visit hazardous waste disposal. |
Advertising material |
Place in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. Please remove any plastic wrap. |
Aerosol cans |
Please ensure they are empty. Once empty place in the mixed recycling bin with the yellow lid. |
Air conditioners |
Arrange for the retailer/installer to take back and recycle old unit at time of purchase. Otherwise book a clean-up collection. As metals are recycled in this collection be sure to tick metals check box. |
Aluminium cans |
Place in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Aluminium foil |
Can be recycled in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. Please only recycle clean foil and trays. It helps at the recycling centre if foil is consolidated into larger amounts eg. blocks or balls. |
Animal poo |
Needs to be disposed of in general waste bin with red or grey lid. Isn't suitable for compost bins and worm farms. |
Asbestos |
For delivery only to the waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Ash |
Add to compost bin if available. Please ensure any ash is cool before bagging and placing in general waste. Many waste bins have melted as a result of placing ash from fire places inside before it has had time to fully cool. |
Audio tapes |
Try selling or giving away. Otherwise place only in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Please note: tapes and cassettes are not recyclable in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Baby car seats
We are awaiting the commencement of a national recycling scheme however at this point the only disposal is through Council clean-up. For service conditions visit Council clean-up collection.
Baits rodent |
Can be delivered to a Chemical Cleanout Event. To find out more visit hazardous waste disposal. |
Baskets cane/plastic |
If in good condition try to reuse or re home with a friend or family member. If broken place either in the red or grey lidded waste bin or arrange a Council clean-up. Book your Council clean-up collection. |
Baths |
Please arrange delivery to the waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Bathroom sinks/vanities |
These may be acceptable in the Council cleanup it will depend on weight and size. For conditions visit Council clean-up collection. |
Batteries household |
Can be recycled Woolworths, Coles, Bunnings, Aldi stores, and Battery World. Also accepted at
community recycling centres . Accepted at chemical cleanout events. |
Batteries rechargeable
Can be recycled at Woolworths, Coles, Bunnings, Aldi stores, and Battery World.
Also accepted at community recycling centres. Accepted at chemical cleanout events. Please tape up any terminals.
Batteries mobile phone
Accepted at Telstra, Optus, and Vodapfone in mobile phone receptacles. Please tape up terminals. Also accepted at community recycling centres. Accepted at chemical cleanout events.
Check also Mobile Muster for additional locations.
Beds |
If in good condition try to give away to either with friends or family members. Enquire as to whether the charities or the bower will collect. If broken book in for a clean-up collection. |
Bikes |
Bikes can be recycled at Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre through the Bikes For Life Program. |
Biscuit packets plastic |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with Recyclesmart.
Alternatively, please place soft plastics in the waste bin. Please do not place soft plastics in the yellow lid recycling bin.
Plastics from Ku-ring-gai residents are not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre.
Biscuit trays |
Can be recycled in the yellow lid recycling bin. |
Blister Packs |
Can be dropped off for recycling at:
- Blooms The Chemist Gordon - 765 Pacific Highway Gordon
- Blooms The Chemist St Ives - Shop 3-4 St Ives Shopping Village 166 Mona Vale Road St Ives
Books |
If you have quality books you can recycle through most charity stores or alternatively for damaged books place in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. Be sure not to make your blue bin too heavy. If you can't wheel it easily then it's probably too heavy to collect. Hard cover books are fine to recycle providing the cover isn't made of plastic. Most hard covers are made from compressed cardboard.
Books can also be donated and delivered to the Lifeline Book Depots in Gordon & West Lindfield to be used as stock for their periodic book fairs. For further details and acceptance criteria visit Lifeline Book Donations.
Bottles and bottle tops
Please rinse out bottles and place in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. Place lids in this bin separately. |
Recycle through the blue lidded paper recycling bin. If the boxes are oversize then cut into smaller pieces to easily fit inside bin. Also dampening the cardboard will help you manipulate it to get it inside the bin. If you have moved recently and have over 30 boxes to collect contact council to arrange a one/off collection. All cardboard will need to be flattened and either stacked sideways in larger un-flattened boxes or tied together with string. |
Bras |
Can be donated through various charities online. Search 'bra recycling Australia' for a list of charities. |
Branches |
Book into Council's bulk green waste collection. Alternatively place in green waste bin with green or lime lid. You will need to downsize first and items that do not fit. Please note: that green waste bins have a limit of 100kgs and lids must be closed. |
Bread tags / bread ties |
There are a number of charities recycling bread tags. Search 'bread tag recycling' to find programs. |
Bricks & pavers |
Deliver to the waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Bubble wrap
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with Recyclesmart .
Alternatively, please place soft plastics in the waste bin. Please do not place soft plastics in the yellow lid recycling bin.
Plastics from Ku-ring-gai residents are not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre.
Building material |
Deliver to the waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Cake trays / containers |
Disposable cake containers from the supermarket are generally made of plastic. Please place for recycling in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. If your container has a cardboard bottom then place this in the blue lidded paper bin. |
Cameras |
Try giving quality cameras away. If unsuccessful cameras can be recycled at e-waste collection events. These events are only occasional though. Otherwise dispose of cameras in the general waste bin. Any batteries can be recycled at Gordon Library, Community Recycling Centres, Aldi stores, Battery World and Ikea. For more information about battery recycling visit chemical disposal. |
Candles |
Candle suppliers at local markets will often refill your candle container for less than the purchase price of anew candle. Candles and candle containers cannot be recycled. The glass in the containers is generally heat resistant and wont melt at the same temperature as standard bottle and jar glass. Please place candles and their containers in red or grey lidded waste bin. |
Carbon paper |
Unfortunately carbon paper is not recyclable. Please place in the red or grey lidded waste bin. |
Cardboard - not waxed
Recycle through the blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Cardboard - waxed |
Waxed cardboard cannot be recycled as the water required in the recycling and pulping process is unable to penetrate the fibres. Please dispose in the red or grey lidded general waste bin. |
Car parts |
Are not permitted for disposal in any Council provided service. Please contact vehicle recyclers or metal recyclers. |
Carpet |
Waste management centre or small amounts of no more than 1m x 2m rolls can be collected in Council in the clean-up. Book a clean-up collection. |
Car batteries |
Can be delivered to community recycling centres or at chemical cleanout events. |
Carry bags - plastic |
Please note: The Supermarkets have suspended the soft plastics recycling program. Plastics from Ku-ring-gai residents are not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre. Sign up with Recyclesmart for a soft plastics collection. Please do not place soft plastics in the yellow lid recycling bin. |
Cartridges - printer |
Recycle at Australia Post Gordon, Harvey Norman Gordon, Officeworks, The Good Guys, JB Hi-Fi, & Cartridge World Community Recycling Centres Thornleigh and Artarmon. Visit Cartridges 4 Planet Ark. |
Cat food tins |
All tins need to be rinsed then recycled in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
CD & DVDs |
Quality music CDs and Movie/Documentary DVDs can be recycled at charity stores. Alternatively, you can recycle disks at Officeworks stores. CDs and DVDs can also be accepted at the Community Recycling Centre Thornleigh only without cases. Please remove disks from cases and place cases in waste bin. CDs, DVDs or their cases are not acceptable in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bins. Alternatively register with Recyclesmart for a scheduled collection, they will collect CDs and DVDs (no empty cases though). |
Cellophane |
As cellophane is not plastic and is plant based it shouldn't be placed in soft plastic recycling at supermarkets. You could experiment with your compost bin or place in the red lidded general waste bin. If you are unsure whether what you have is cellophane or plastic please place in the waste bin. |
Ceramics |
Good quality ceramics in good condition can be recycled through charity stores. Damaged or poor quality ceramics can only be disposed of in the general waste bin with either a grey or a red lid. Please note: Ceramics are not acceptable in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Cereal boxes |
Remove any plastic packets first then recycle cardboard in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Cereal packets |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with Recyclesmart.
Alternatively please place soft plastics in the waste bin. Please do not place soft plastics in the yellow lid recycling bin.
Plastics from Ku-ring-gai residents are not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre.
Chemicals |
Please deliver to the next Chemical Collection. Check chemical cleanout events for available dates and locations. Please note: chemicals cannot be delivered to community recycling centres. Only paint and oils are accepted at Community recycling centres. |
Christmas trees |
Check with who you purchased your tree from as some sellers provide a collection service. Christmas trees can be booked in for a bulk green waste collection. Otherwise cut into smaller pieces and recycle in green waste bin with the green or lime lid. |
Chlorine |
Can be disposed of at a chemical cleanout event. Empty chlorine containers can be refilled or swapped for new filled containers at some retailers. Check where you buy your chlorine if this is an option. They will generally only accept their own branded containers and of a certain size. |
Cigarette butts |
Consolidate or contain in a bag or box then place in the red/grey lidded general waste bin. Terracycle has some recycling options available. |
Clothing |
Quality clean clothing can be donated to charity stores or alternatively can be sold online or given away to friends or family. Damaged or stained clothing can be recycled at some major chain stores for example H&M or Uniqlo. Otherwise please items in the waste bin with the red or grey lid. Please note: clothing cannot be recycled through the yellow lidded or blue lidded recycling bins. |
Coat hangers - metal wire or plastic |
Are not permitted in either Council recycling bin, blue or yellow lid. Enquire if your local dry cleaner or charity will accept them otherwise place in the general waste bin with a red or grey lidded bin. Please note you cannot place coat hangers in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Coffee cups disposable |
These cups come in a variety of materials from cardboard to polystyrene. Please dispose of disposable coffee cups in the general waste bin. A better alternative is to use a reusable coffee cup. Most coffee sellers now accept reusable cups. At some retailers you may even receive a discount. |
Coffee pods |
Some major brands provide options for recycling. Search online to see if the brand you are using offers a recycling program. It will also depend on what the actual pod is made from. If an online search reveals nothing try writing to the company and asking for one. Freshly ground coffee generates much less waste and can be composted at home. Alternatively place in the red/grey lidded waste bin. Aluminum coffee pods can be collected by Recyclesmart. Register for a scheduled collection. |
Compostable plastics |
These items are plant based unlike standard oil based plastics and cannot be recycled through Council's recycling or green waste collection. They require commercial composting facilities. You could experiment in your home compost bin otherwise please place in waste bin. These plastics are not permitted in soft plastics supermarket recycling programs. |
Computers |
Computers and TV's can be recycled in Council's booked clean-up collection. When booking be sure to tick the e-waste tick box in the check list. There are also locations nearby where you can recycle your computer when it suits you visit TVs and computer recycling. Also can be recycled at community recycling centres. |
Concrete |
Deliver to the waste management centre. Concrete cannot be disposed of through any Council services. Concrete is not permitted in waste or recycling bins. |
Cooking oil |
Try adding it gradually to your compost bin. Cooking oil can be placed in a general waste bin however it is recommended that you only place small amounts at a time of no more than two litres in a sealed rigid container. |
Cups |
Donate to charity or give away otherwise place cups in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Cups are not to be placed in yellow or blue lidded recycling bins. |
Cutlery |
Donate to charity or give away or perhaps look for a new use for them and get creative! Otherwise place in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Cutlery is not to be placed in yellow or blue lidded recycling bins. |
Detergents |
Deliver to the chemical collection. Locations and dates can be seen here chemical cleanout events. |
Disposable nappies |
Please place only in the general waste bin with red or grey lid. |
Dog food tins |
Please rise out first then place in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Doors |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Drums empty |
Large drums can only be accepted at the waste management centres if they are empty. Small empty drums flushed of any chemicals can collected in the Council clean-up. Book your clean-up collection. Liquid wastes or chemicals in quantities of less than 20L or 20kg can be accepted at the chemical cleanout events visit chemical disposal for dates and locations. Any liquid wastes/chemicals in large quantities (over 20L or 20Kg) will require the services of a specialised chemical recycler. |
Drums containing chemicals |
Small amounts under 20L or 20kg per item - check chemical cleanout events for dates and locations. |
Egg cartons |
Please place in the paper recycling bin with the blue lid. |
Electrical appliances |
Whitegoods, computers and TV's can be collected for recycling in the general clean-up collection. Be sure when booking to select these items from the list so we can ensure they are collected separately and recycled. |
Electrical appliances
(hand held /can fit in a shopping bag) |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with RecycleSmart
eg. Alarm clocks, toasters, Irons, hairdryers, small stereos and radios, electric toothbrushes, digital cameras, small power tools.
Engine oil |
Can be delivered to the community recycling centres or chemical collection check chemical cleanout events. |
Envelopes |
Both window faced and non window faced can be recycled in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Exercise equipment |
Try giving away quality exercise equipment to friends, family or rehoming through various websites. If you require a Council clean-up, bookings can be made here Clean-up collection please note treadmills have to be dismantled and reduced in size.
If your items are metal be sure when booking to select metals from the check list so we can collect separately to recycle.
Fabric |
Charities will accept clean quality garments. Try local craft groups for unmade-up fabric. |
Fencing |
Can be delivered to a waste management centre, alternatively negotiate with the fence supplier to remove old fence. Try listing for free pickup online eg. gumtree. Fences and fence palings are not permitted in the clean-up collection. |
Fuels |
Check chemical disposal for options. |
Fibro |
Waste management centre. Ensure you check the acceptance criteria before arrival. |
Film Photo |
Can be delivered for recycling at Northern Sydney Community Recycling Centre, 8 Waltham Street Artarmon. |
Fire extinguishers |
Community recycling centres or visit chemical cleanout events for locations and dates. |
Foam boxes |
If you receive these boxes on an ongoing basis like for a food delivery enquire if your supplier can collect the boxes when they come with the next delivery. Polystyrene/foam/styrofoam - there are no recycling venues for these products. These are to be placed in your red lidded waste bin.
Food waste |
The best solution for food waste is recycling through a compost bin or worm farm. If you don't have a compost bin or worm farm place in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Please do not place food waste in the green waste bin. This includes home grown fruit. We are not permitted to add food to green waste at the processing facility.
Did you know that up to half of the waste bin contents can be organic waste? Reduce your waste by composting or worm farming onsite.
Fruit & veg |
Recycle in compost or worm farm. If unable to then place in the red or grey lidded waste bin. As listed above these items are not permitted in the green waste bin. |
Flowers |
Compost or worm farm. If unable to, then place in the lime or green lidded vegetation/green waste bin. |
Fluorescent tubes |
Can be recycled at community recycling centres and chemical cleanout events. |
Fluorescent globes |
Can be recycled at community recycling centres and chemical cleanout events. |
Fridges / freezers |
Can be booked for a clean-up collection. Be sure to tick metals when booking so we can collect as recycling. |
Furniture |
Quality furniture should be reused and rehomed where possible. Try contacting The Bower Reuse and Repair Centre they will collect quality furniture for free. All furniture collected in Council clean-up services goes to landfill. To book a clean-up visit clean-up collection. |
Garden hoses |
Chop up into lengths of no more than 1m and place into the red or grey lidded waste bin. Entire lengths of hose can wrap itself around the equipment at the waste processing centre. |
Garden tools |
Try to re home any tools that are still in good shape. It makes no sense to send useful items to landfill. Small or damaged tools can be placed in the general waste bin or large tools can be booked for collection in council clean-up. |
Gas cylinders and bottles |
Community recycling centres or chemical collection for dates and locations visit chemical disposal. |
Glad wrap |
Household general waste bin with red or grey lid. To reduce glad wrap use try resealable containers or beeswax wraps. Please note the soft plastic program at the supermarkets has been paused. Plastics from Ku-ring-gai Residents are not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre. |
Glass jars & bottles |
Recycle in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. Please take lids off first.
Glasses drinking |
Check with your local charity store if accepted or place in red or grey lidded waste bin. Please note: drink ware cannot be recycled in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Glasses reading |
Reading glasses can be recycled through recycle for sight program. |
Glass window |
For safety reasons contain in a box or wrap in newspaper and place in red or grey lidded waste bin. Containing the glass prevents spillage during collection. Windows are not accepted in Council clean-up. |
Grass clippings |
Place in lime or green lidded vegetation / green waste recycling bin. |
Green waste |
Place in lime or green lidded vegetation / green waste recycling bin or book a bulk green waste collection. |
Greeting cards |
Place in blue lidded paper bin for recycling. |
Guttering |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Hazardous waste |
For hazardous waste disposal advice check chemical disposal. If not accepted at chemical collection or community recycling centres contact Council on 9424 0000 or krg@krg.nsw.gov.au. |
Heater column / oil filled |
Can be disposed of at chemical cleanout events.
Heater bar / fan |
Can be booked for Council Cleanup Collection. |
Heater gas (only without gas supply)
Can be booked for Council Cleanup Collection. |
Heater (oversize & metal) |
Metal heaters the size of a dishwasher or larger can be booked for a clean-up collection. Be sure to choose metals when booking so we can recycle all metal items. |
Hot water services |
Can be booked for a clean-up collection. Be sure to choose metals when booking so we can recycle all metal items. |
Household cleaners |
Check chemical disposal page. |
Ice cream containers plastic |
Please place for recycling in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Ice cream containers cardboard |
Please place for recycling in blue lidded paper recycling bin. This isn't waxed cardboard. Like a milk carton it is lined with a thin film of plastic which is easy separated when the item is pulped to make new paper. |
Insulation batts |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Jars & lids |
Please place for recycling in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. Lids should be removed from bottles and jars and can also be placed in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Juice bottles/cartons foil lined |
Please place for recycling in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Juice cartons cardboard not foil lined |
Please place for recycling in the blue lidded cardboard recycling bin. |
Junk mail |
If paper based please place in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. Be sure to remove any plastic wrap first though. |
Kitty litter |
Please place only in the red or grey lidded waste bin. |
Kitchen renovations |
Waste management centre or have the installer remove old benches and cabinets. |
Lattice |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements.
Laundry baskets |
If broken place either in the red or grey lidded waste bin or arrange a Council clean-up. These items are NOT recyclable in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin.
Laundry tubs |
May be acceptable in the Council clean-up it will depend on weight and size. If metal it is likely to be accepted in clean-up collection. If concrete it will NOT be accepted in Council clean-up and will need to be delivered to the waste management centre. |
Lawn mowers |
In working order try selling or giving away. Can be collected in clean-up collection with fuel removed. Be sure to choose metals when booking so we can recycle all metal items. For disposal of fuel check chemical disposal. |
Leaves |
Please place in your lime or green lidded vegetation / green waste recycling bin. |
Linen |
Quality non-stained linen can be donated to charity stores. Damaged or stained linen should be placed in the general waste bin red / grey lid or disposed of through the Council clean-up collection. This is a booked service. |
Logs |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Light bulbs |
Can be recycled at community recycling centres, or chemical collection. For further information relating to the chemical collection or the community recycling centres visit Council's chemical disposal page. |
Linoleum |
Waste management centre or small amounts of no more than 1m x 2m can be booked in for collection in the Council clean-up collection. |
Magazines |
Try to re home any current magazines at charity stores, with friends or Neighbours. Old magazines can be recycled in blue lidded paper recycling bin.
Magnets fridge |
Advertising magnets cannot be recycled. Try redesigning them by sticking on photos or decorative paper. |
Margarine tubs |
Please place in your yellow lidded mixed recycling bin.
Manchester |
Manchester can be recycled currently through Sheridan or H&M stores. |
Masonite |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements.
Mattresses |
Mattresses can now be recycled in a booked council clean-up. When booking be sure to select mattress from the list so we can ensure that your mattress is collected separately and recycled. Alternatively ask the retailer who you purchased from to remove your old mattress. |
Meat trays - foam |
These trays cannot be recycled in your yellow lid bin. Please place in red or grey lidded waste bin. |
Meat trays - hard plastic |
These trays can be recycled, please place in yellow lidded recycling bin. Please remove any plastic film and rinse out first. |
Medicines |
Can be returned to pharmacies visit the Return Medicines website. |
Microwaves |
Can be collected in Council clean-up.
Milk bottles plastic |
Please place in your yellow lidded mixed recycling bin with lids off.
Milk cartons cardboard |
Please place in your blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Milk cartons foil lined |
Please place in your yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Mirrors |
If not damaged and is a decorative mirror recycle through charity stores. Small mirrors can be disposed of in the red / grey lidded general waste bin. Wrap up in newspaper to contain and prevent spillage. Any large mirrors will need to be delivered to Waste management centre. Please note: mirrors are not accepted in Council Clean-up. |
Mobile phones |
Can be dropped at for recycling at Optus, Telstra, Vodafone, and Community Recycling Centres Thornleigh and Artarmon.
For recycling visit Mobile Muster for a prepaid satchel.
If you would like to donate your phone to someone in need visit The Reconnect Project.They have a reply-paid postage option available also.
DV phones is also collecting mobile phones to support Domestic Violence Victims by providing safe phones. You can deliver your phone to Westfield Chatswood Concierge desk or Fernwood Fitness Hornsby.
Mobile phone batteries |
To Recycle visit Mobile Muster for recycling locations. Please tape up any exposed terminals. |
Nails |
Should be contained by wrapping in newspaper or placed in a rigid container and disposed of in the red or grey lidded waste bin. |
Napkins |
Clean napkins and paper towel can be recycled in the blue lidded paper bin. Food soiled napkins and paper towel can be either composted or placed in the red or grey lidded waste bin.
Must be placed in the red or grey lidded waste bin. |
Needles |
Deliver to local pharmacies who are participating in the community sharps program. All needles/syringes need to be placed into a sharps container. To find participating pharmacies visit Council's needles and syringes page. |
Negatives Photo Film |
Can be dropped off for recycling at Northern Sydney Community Recycling Centre at 8 Waltham Street Artarmon. |
Newspapers |
Place in the paper recycling bin with a blue lid. Please remove any plastic wrap first. |
Oil motor |
Can be delivered to community recycling centres or delivered to the chemical cleanout events events. |
Oil cooking |
Community recycling centres or add it to your compost bin in small amounts or place in the general waste bin. If placing in the waste bin it is recommended that you place in a rigid container in amounts of no more than two litres at a time. |
Oil filled heaters |
Can only be disposed of at the chemical cleanout events. |
Paint tins empty |
Please place in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Paint tins containing paint
Can be delivered to community recycling centres or delivered to the chemical cleanout event. |
Pallets |
If possible have the supplier remove them. Pallets are not accepted in the council clean-up. They can only be disposed of at the waste management centre. |
Paper |
Please place for recycling in blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Paper towel |
Clean paper towel can be recycled in the blue lidded paper bin. Food soiled paper towel can be either composted or placed in the red or grey lidded waste bin. |
Paper towel roll
Pens / markers |
Please place in the blue lidded paper recycling bin.
Can be recycled at Officeworks stores.
Perspex |
Small amounts of 1m x 1m can be placed out for collection in a Council cleanup. For clean-up bookings and conditions visit clean-up and whitegoods collection. |
Pesticides |
Will need to be delivered to the next chemical cleanout event. Please note: pesticides and other chemicals are not accepted at community recycling centres. |
Photos |
Cannot be recycled with paper in the blue lidded bin. Please give away, reuse or place in the waste bin. |
Photo negatives / film |
Can be recycled at Northern Sydney Community Recycling Centre. Located at 8 Waltham Street Artarmon. |
Pill packets / cards |
Can be dropped off for recycling at:
- Blooms The Chemist Gordon - 765 Pacific Highway Gordon
- Blooms The Chemist St Ives - Shop 3-4 St Ives Shopping Village 166 Mona Vale Road St Ives
Pine treated |
Waste management centres. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements.
Pizza boxes |
Clean pizza boxes can be recycled in the blue lidded paper bin. Food soiled boxes can be either composted or placed in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Usually the top is clean and can be recycled in the paper bin and the bottom needs to be separated and placed either in compost or red / grey lidded waste bin.
Plant prunings |
Place in lime or green lidded vegetation / green waste recycling bin. Or book in for a bulk green waste collection.
Plant pots plastic |
Try your local community garden or nursery. Plant pots are not recyclable in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin collection. Some large hardware chains will accept plant pots for recycling. |
Plasterboard |
Waste management centres. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements.
Plastic bags |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with RecycleSmart
Alternatively, please place soft plastics in the waste bin. Please do not place soft plastics in the yellow lid recycling bin.
Plastics from Ku-ring-gai residents are not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre.
Plastic compostable |
These items are plant based unlike standard oil based plastics and cannot be recycled through Council's recycling or green waste collection. They require commercial composting facilities. You could experiment in your home compost bin otherwise please place in waste bin. |
Plastic containers disposable |
Please place in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. Disposable containers from the kitchen, bathroom and laundry can be recycled in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Plastic Food Trays Disposable |
Please place in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Plastic lids |
Please place in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Plastic packaging moulded |
This is the type of firm clear plastic is usually found in packaging, it is moulded around tools, toys, cables and other accessories. It comes in many shapes and sizes. Due to its irregularity the sorting machinery at the recycling centre is unable to sort it from other plastics. Any cardboard from this type of packaging can be recycled in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. Please place the plastic in the red/grey lidded waste bin. |
Plastic or PVC pipe |
Pipe is not accepted in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. Small amounts can be placed in the general waste bin red/grey lid. Please deliver larger amounts to a waste management centre. |
Plastic storage containers & tubs |
These items are usually oversized and create problems on the sorting line. Plastic containers that can be recycled in Council collections are disposable containers from the kitchen bathroom and laundry. These are empty containers that were once filled with a product. Please reuse storage crates or tubs or give away if not broken. Otherwise dispose of in the general waste bin red / grey lid or book a clean-up collection. |
Plastic wrapping |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with RecycleSmart
Alternatively, please place soft plastics in the waste bin. Please do not place soft plastics in the yellow lid recycling bin.
Plastics from Ku-ring-gai residents are not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre.
Plates ceramic |
If you have a dinner set in good condition without chips contact your local charity store and see if they can accept it. Damaged or single plates can be placed only in the grey or red lidded waste bin. Ceramics, crockery or porcelain cannot be recycled in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin.
Plates plastic or disposable |
Should be placed in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Choose compostable plates as an alternative.
Polystyrene |
Polystyrene comes in two main types, foam and hard plastic. If you have a hard plastic container made from polystyrene denoted as '6' in a triangle you can place in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. The foam version of polystyrene needs to be disposed of in the waste bin.
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with Recyclesmart
Polystyrene foam from Ku-ring-gai residents is not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre.
Pool chemicals |
Please deliver to the next chemical cleanout event. Please note: pool chemicals are not accepted at community recycling centres. |
Porcelain / pottery |
If in good condition without chips may be able to be recycled through charity stores please check first. If not acceptable place only in the grey or red lidded waste bin. Cannot be recycled in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Pots & pans |
These items are not accepted in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bins. Please place in the general waste bin with red / grey lid. |
Printer Cartridges |
Can be recycled at:
Australia Post Gordon, Harvey Norman Gordon, Officeworks, The Good Guys, JB Hi-Fi, & Cartridge World Community Recycling Centres Thornleigh and Artarmon. Visit Cartridges 4 Planet Ark .
Pyrex |
If in good condition without chips may be able to be recycled through charity stores please check first. If not place only in the grey or red lidded waste bin. Cannot be recycled in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Radios |
Can be recycled at an e-waste collection event otherwise can be placed in the general waste bin with the red or grey lid. If it is a large radio /stereo then it can be booked for a Council clean-up collection. |
Razors |
Wrap in newspaper and place in general waste bin with the red or grey lid. |
Records vinyl |
If in good condition try selling or donate to charity. |
Refrigerators |
Book a clean-up collection. When booking be sure to select metals from the list so we can ensure that your refrigerator is collected separately and recycled.
Rocks |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements.
Sand / soil
Waste management centres. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Sauce bottles |
Please place in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Sawdust |
Please bag and place in general waste bin with grey or red lid. |
Shampoo bottles |
Please place in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Shopping bags single use |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with RecycleSmart |
Shopping bags reusable plastic based |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with RecycleSmart |
Smoke alarm detectors |
Community recycling centres or chemical cleanout events. |
Soda gas bottles |
Supermarkets will accept soda stream bottles and give you a discount on a replacement. Alternatively if completely empty these can be placed in the red/grey lidded waste bin. |
Soft drink bottles |
Please place in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin.
Soft Plastics |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with RecycleSmart |
Solar panels & solar systems |
Are not accepted in general clean-up. This includes panels, inverters, batteries and any other components. Arrange for the installer to recycle if you have this option. Otherwise search for the most up to date recycling options available online. |
Solvents |
Chemical cleanout events only. |
Steel cans |
Please place in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin.
Steel other |
Source a metal recycler or waste management centre. Steel other than tin cans cannot be placed in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Stoves |
Book a clean-up collection. When booking be sure to select metals from the list so we can ensure that your stove is collected separately and recycled. |
Stumps |
Waste management centres. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Styrofoam |
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with Recyclesmart |
Syringes |
Deliver to local pharmacies participating in the community sharps program. All needles/syringes need to be placed into a sharps container. To find out which pharmacies will accept visit Council's Needles and syringes page. |
Takeaway containers |
Please ensure they are empty and rinsed. Once empty place in the mixed recycling bin with the yellow lid. |
Tapes |
Do not place tapes of any kind in the recycling bins (blue or yellow lid). This is because the tape comes out of the casing and tangles itself around the sorting equipment. Some charities may accept check first though. Otherwise place in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Tapes may be accepted at some e-waste collection events. |
Tea bags |
Can be composted or placed in a worm farm otherwise dispose of in general waste red or grey lidded bin. |
Telephone books |
Please recycle in blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Televisions |
Book a clean-up collection. When booking be sure to select e-waste from the list so we can ensure that your tv is collected separately and recycled. |
Textiles |
You can recycle manchester at H&M or Sheridan. Clothes can be recycled at some major retailers like H&M or Uniqlo |
Tiles roof or bathroom |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Tin cans |
Please place in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin, please rinse first. |
Tissues |
Please place in grey or red lidded general waste bin. |
Tissue boxes |
Please place in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Toner cartridges |
Australia Post Gordon, Harvey Norman Gordon, Officeworks, The Good Guys, JB Hi-Fi, & Cartridge World Community Recycling Centres Thornleigh and Artarmon.
Toilets |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Toilet paper rolls |
Please place in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Tools |
Try to re home any tools that are still in good shape. Small damaged tools can be placed in the general waste bin or larger tools can be booked in for collection in the Council clean-up. |
Toys |
Quality toys can be recycled through charity stores. Damaged, dirty or worn toys can be disposed of in the general waste bin or booked for removal in the Council clean-up. Please do not place toys in recycling bins. They can not be recycled through council bin collections. |
Toothbrushes |
Please dispose of in general waste bin with either the grey or red lid. |
Toothpaste tubes |
Please dispose of in general waste bin with either the grey or red lid. |
Tyres & wheels |
Waste management centre. Prior to delivery please check acceptance requirements. |
Vacuum cleaners |
Can be booked for collection in the Council clean-up. |
Vapes |
Single use vapes - remove battery then place the body of the vape in your red general waste bin and drop the battery off at a household battery collection point. Vape batteries cause fires in trucks and leak harmful chemicals into the environment.
Batteries can be recycled at Woolworths, Bunnings, Aldi stores, and Battery World. Also accepted at community recycling centres. Accepted at chemical cleanout events.
Vases |
If in good condition without chips may be able to be recycled through charity stores or placed only in the grey or red lidded waste bin. Vases cannot be recycled in yellow lidded mixed recycling bin. |
Vegetable scraps |
The best solution is recycling this waste through a compost bin or worm farm. If unable to do so place in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Did you know that up to half of the waste bin contents can be organic waste. Cut your waste by composting or worm farming onsite. Please do not place food waste in the green waste bin. It is not accepted at the recycling processing facility. |
Vegetation |
Place in the lime or green lidded vegetation / green waste recycling bin. Or for branches and prunings book a bulk green waste collection. |
Video tapes |
These cannot be recycled in the yellow lidded recycling bin. Please place only in the red/grey lidded general waste bin. |
Wardrobes |
Stand alone wardrobes can be collected in Council clean-up. For bookings visit clean-up collection. Built in wardrobes once removed need to be delivered to the waste management centre. |
Waxed cardboard |
Should be placed in the red or grey lidded waste bin. Waxed cardboard cannot be recycled in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. |
Place in the lime or green lidded vegetation / green waste recycling bin. |
Whitegoods |
Book a clean-up collection. When booking be sure to select metals from the list so we can ensure that your whitegoods are collected separately and recycled. |
Window glass |
If possible contain in a box or wrap in newspaper and place in red or grey lidded waste bin. Window glass is not accepted in the yellow lid recycling bin. Containing the glass prevents spillage during collection. Windows are not accepted in Council clean-up. |
Wine bottles |
Please place in the yellow lidded mixed recycling bin with lids off.
Wine casks |
If they are cardboard place in the blue lidded paper recycling bin. Please remove internal plastic bladder first. This can be recycled with soft plastics at participating supermarkets or disposed of in the general waste bin with grey or red lid. |
Wire |
Place only small amounts of wire in the general waste bin (red or grey lid) or if you have larger amounts deliver to the waste management centre. |
Wood / timber |
Waste management Centre only. Do not place milled / painted / treated timber in the vegetation / green waste bin. |
Wrapping paper |
Paper based wrapping paper can be placed in the paper recycling bin. Plastic or foil based wrapping paper should be disposed of in the general waste bin red or grey lid or delivered to supermarkets for soft plastic recycling. |
Xrays |
Accepted at Northern Sydney Community Recycling Centre - 8 Waltham Street Artarmon. Visit community recycling centres for further information. Alternatively search for other drop off locations at Recycling Near You. |
Y |
Yoghurt containers |
Please rinse out and place in the yellow lid mixed recycling bin. |
Zip lock plastic bags |
Reuse where possible. Avoid where possible by using resealable containers.
Can be recycled through Council's partnership with Recyclesmart.
Alternatively, please place soft plastics in the waste bin. Please do not place soft plastics in the yellow lid recycling bin.
Plastics from Ku-ring-gai residents are not accepted at Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre.