Domestic violence hotlines and services

A wide range of family domestic and violence hotlines, resources and services are available for Ku-ring-gai community members. These are listed below.

Get help now

If you are in immediate danger, 24/7 - call 000

If you witness domestic violence and you have concerns for the welfare or safety of a family member, friend, colleague or neighbour, please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

A range of confidential 24/7 helplines are also available:

24/7 helplines

1800 RESPECT  1800 737 732

NSW Domestic Violence Line  1800 65 64 63

Lifeline  12 11 14 or Text 0477 131 114

Sydney North Health Network Domestic Violence line  1800 65 64 63

MensLine  1300 78 99 78

Full Stop Australia  1800 385 578

Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline  1800 497 212

Rape Crisis Centre  1800 424 017

NSW Sexual Violence Helpline  1800 424 017

Alcohol and Drug Information Service ADIS  8382 1000

Mental Health Assistance line  1800 011 511

Suicide Call Back service  1300 659 467

Crisis accommodation

Organisations providing emergency housing for people escaping domestic violence.

Burdekin Association - child and youth homelessness  Phone: 8976 1777

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women's Shelter

Mary's House Refuge North Shore -Women and children  Phone: 8937 2094 or 1800 002 111

Link2Home - Homelessness 24/7 help  Phone: 1800 152 152

Taldumande Youth Services for child and youth homelessness  Phone: 9460 3777

Support for men

Help for men who have anger, relationship, family breakdown, emotional, family violence or parenting issues.

Multicultural support services

Culturally appropriate and in language services supporting migrants and refugees experiencing Domestic and family violence.

SSI (Settlement Services International)  Phone: 8799 6700

CASS (Chinese Australian Services Society)  Phone: 9789 4587

Immigrant Women’s Speak Out Association  Phone: 9635 8022

Immigration Advice and Rights Centre  Phone: 8234 0799

Indian (sub-cont) crisis and support agency  Phone: 9832 4762

Counselling, information and support for domestic violence victims

Victims can seek compassionate, understanding and confidential domestic violence counselling.

NSW Victims Access Line - Monday to Friday  Phone: 1800 633 063

Hornsby Kur-ring-gai Lifeline services at Gordon  Phone: 9498 8805 or 12 11 14 or Text 0477 131 114

Relationships Australia Macquarie Park  Phone: 1300 364 277

Beyond Blue  Phone: 1300 224 636

NSW Mental Health Line  Phone: 1800 011 511

Financial Counselling Australia  Phone: 1800 007 007

Lifeline Mandarin Counselling Service  Phone: 8287 1126

Aboriginal support services

Confidential, culturally safe space to yarn about your needs, worries or concerns and explore your options for ongoing support.

Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence  Phone: 1800 019 123

13YARN (24/7 crisis hotline)  Phone: 13 92 76

Aboriginal Victims Access Line  Phone: 1800 019 123

Support for seniors and people with disability

Protection and support services for older people and adults with disability experiencing abuse.

Ageing & Disability Abuse helpline (previously Elder Abuse Line)  Phone: 1800 628 221

Protecting the rights of older people - Seniors Rights Service  Phone: 1800 424 079

National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline  Phone: 1800 880 052