Underground petroleum storage systems

Underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) are primarily found at service stations or sites where fuel is frequently used such as depots and car dealerships. A spill or leak from a UPSS may cause contamination to surrounding land and groundwater.

From September 2019, the regulation of most sites with UPSS was transferred from the NSW Environment Protection Authority to local councils under the requirements as set out in the Protection of the Environment Operations (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulation 2019.

Responsibilities for UPSS

The person responsible for a UPSS must have procedures and systems in place to detect and fix any fuel leaks as early as possible and document these in a Fuel System Operation Plan for the site.

Pollution incidents must be notified immediately by the person responsible for the UPSS and a completed UPSS leak notification form provided to Council within 7 days of the incident/ event.

UPSS leak notification form(PDF, 124KB)

Further information

Contact Council’s Environmental Health Team on 9424 0000 or krg@krg.nsw.gov.au.